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Old 04-24-07, 04:47 PM   #843
Ocean Warrior
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USET-80 is NOT wire-guided.

Bill, I assume you are too busy... BUT if you'd like to volunteer, I'm not turning away any SubSim member with standing.

Anyone who decides to take this on (this is directed at the general audience) needs to have three things 1) the time and patience to learn the process and actually do it 2) an understanding of how various database parameters influence the sim (this is fairly straightforward if you have someone to ask specific questions to... like me ) and 3) competance with modern naval weapons so that the person in question can independantly adjust values when taking data from the SCXIIc database without clearing each and every little parameter transposition with me.

In this sense, the person who decides to do this is really going to be creating a mod for which he takes the credit... even copying things from the SCXIIc database creates enough opportunities for judgement that it is not simply a bunch of copied values, the previous database is merely the most complete reference for the platforms that must be added, BUT NOT a 1-1 storehouse of everything that needs to be done.

SO, this person must be able to make judgement calls that the community can be in a consensus about.

And so, this brings us to why I can't do it, or at least really don't want to. I have to do all this work, and then on top of that, before I even start, I have to get myself to a hobbiest level knowledge about this material. Once this is done, the excuse "well, that's the way it is in the stock database" will no longer fly... the data must be defensible, and given the sheer volumn of material, it will take me MONTHS of my own time just to do the research, and personally, I think this is time better spent on the the Advanced Weapons Mods, since I am the only person who can do that (since I have already done the doctrines and I'd hate to be the person that has to go back and figure out how my ADCAP doctrine works, for example).

So, I guess I'm putting it out there. I'm happy to do the ATC mods, but if you guys want some kind of SCX-type expansion of DW, someone else if probably going to have to volunteer to do it, unless you don't mind waiting for maybe a year or more for me to get around to it.

Also, the work on the ATC is on hold until I have the course set on this issue.

So, let's all sit down and work out a plan here.

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