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Old 04-22-07, 09:57 PM   #153
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of course if you proceed with the evil SJ plan you might consider that SD upgrade
packs will need to go bye bye and SJ will need to be made available from the wars start. (but you know this of course)
Already made SJ avialable at war start. SD packs don't need to go bye bye really. No reason you can't have both radars, its just that the SD radar wont detect anything. Doing it this way saves time and effort, and leaves the door open incase the SD radar does get fixed. In the event that it does, all i have to do is replace a single file, and not the multiple files it would take to remove the SD.

On a related note, in terms of gameplay, i acutally like it better this way. By just increasing the max height from 80 to 5000 (along with directional bearing tweaks), while the radar can detect everything, im theorizing that you'll detect aircraft at more varying ranges, which to me makes things more interesting. Gameplay wise, it might acutally be an improvement when you consider it makes getting in and out of port easier.

I have to say though, its a shame i couldnt get RWR working. THat would have been awesome. Because it woudlnt have detected ships (unless they have radar which they dont tell the end of the war), and you could have acutally created a seperate message notification in the menu.txt. IE, change "radar signals detected" to "SD contact!" Pity. Im also starting to pity those guys trying to make SH4 into another damn uboat game. They have so many little things to deal with to restore functionality from SH3, its not even funny. Some of which might not even be possible... RWR for instance if the funtionality ws replaced in the game code. Lots of luck to em. lol
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