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Old 04-20-07, 01:44 AM   #11
Samurai Navy
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Originally Posted by Ducimus
At this point my thoguht is to back up, rewind, and take things step by step. line by line. Theres some other variables at play here, and id venture a guess that nobody really understand what they are or do. If you do, please say so.

Most notable changes is they made the min/max height alot higher. We also know if you raise the minHeight past 8.3 or so, air contacts cease to be. I have to wonder whats the min/max sensor height do?
The MinSensorHeight and MaxSensorHeights should control the same as for the passive sonar. I changed those to have an affect. They ranges from about -6 to -300 in value. I assume that is -6 meters to -300 meters deep.

But according to that logic, the setting are 0.2 and 20000, the same for both -thus they BOTH should be screwed up! Detecting everything with the bounds of the other parameter MinHeight and MaxHeight. Try changing the Min/Max SensorHeight to something normal and see if that works.


notice SJ works and its SweepArc is not zero.
SweepArc = 9
ProbInsideArc = 0.95

But for SD SweepArc= 0. Hard to pick something up inside a zero angle sweep arc. Set for 9 like the SJ and see what happens.! set Revolving = 1 also. Duplicate and see if it works. Just a guess if all else fails.

Basically meaning, Min of 359 is pointing 1 degree below the horizon, Max of 90 is straight up. The SJ data has Min/Max of 357.5/30 . Looks fine on papar but it appears it's not using those values for that reason.
Yes, that is because the SD Radar is NOT rotating around the Z-axis. See above, that might would explain it. Z axis is the direction pointing straight up. It needs to turn in a full circle. Sounds good as any theory...:/?

Last edited by Jungman; 04-20-07 at 02:22 AM.
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