04-07-07, 10:42 PM
Posts: n/a
Below is a list I made based on dev notes that describes what the different environmental settings do. I tried to simplify and clarify some things on this list. The list is not complete, but contains a description of most environmetal settings. I hope modders will find this list helpful when modding environmental effects :
ChangeTimeMin: The minimum time after which the random wind changes
ChangeTimeMax: The maximum time after which the random wind changes
RandomWindSpeedMax: The maximum intensity of the random wind
RandomWindSpeedVariationSpeed: The speed of intensity change for random wind
RandomWindHeadingVariationSpeed: The speed of heading change for random wind
DropsNumber: Total number of rain drops
FallSpeed: Rain drop fall speed
RainIntensityChangeSpeed: The speed of change for rain intensity
MinSize: Rain drop minimum size
MaxSize: Rain drop maximum size
HeadColor: The color of the start of the drop
HeadAlpha: The alpha of the start of the drop
TailColor: The color of the end of the drop
TailAlpha: The alpha of the end of the drop
OverHorizon: Angle (in degrees) over the horizon when a celestial object will start to set or end to rise
UnderHorizon: Angle (in deg) under the horizon when a celestial object will start to rise or end to set
LightOverHorizon: Percent of the sun light decreasing over the horizon
SunAltitudeAngleScale: 0 .. 1 The angle between the sun and the horizon is multiplied with this value
SunReflectAngle: 0 .. 90 The angle between the sun reflect light and horizontal plane
MaxUnderwaterSunLightAngle: 0 .. 90 The maximum angle between the sun and horizontal plane during night
SunHaloStartFade, SunHaloEndFade, SunHaloReflectionStartFade: -90 .. 90 The angle between the sun and the horizon where the halo starts to fade
SunHaloReflectionFade: -90 .. 90 The angle between the sun and the horizon where the halo becomes invisible
SkyObjRadius: Celestial objects radius (distance) relative to camera position
SunRadius: Sun radius (in meters)
MoonRadius: Moon radius (in meters)
StarsRadius: Stars radius (in meters)
StartWindSpeed, StartWindHeading, EndWindSpeed: Wind speed (in meters/second)
EndWindHeading: 0 - 360, 0 = North
WindHeadingChangeSpeed: The current wind heading changes to the target heading with this speed
WindSpeedChangeSpeed: The current wind speed changes to the target wind speed with this speed. The waves properties for different wind speeds
Water Scale X,Y,Z: Water Scale on Z, Water Scale on Y
U: The horizontal scale
V: The height scale
Amplitude: The amplitude scale
WaterSpecularity: Water sparkle reflection parameters
Glossiness: Above water glossiness (128)
Intensity: Above water sparkle reflection intensity (0.8)
UnderGlossiness: Underwater glossiness (12)
UnderIntensity: Under water sparkle reflection intensity (1.8)
FresnelCoef: Fresnel Reflection coefficient
LargeWavesArmonics: Supress large waves first movement
LargeWavesCoef: Large waves suppression coefficient
SeaSpeed: The speed of sea waves movement
ReflIntensity: Above water reflection intensity (1)
ReflBias: Above water reflection bias (0)
WindCoef: The wind coef used for surface bump movement speed
StartFog: Start fog type 0..4
EndFog__enum{FogNone,FogLight,FogMedium,FogHeavy}: End fog type 0..4
FogChangeSpeed: Change speed for fog type
ObjectsRelativeZMin, ObjectsRelativeZMax, UnderwaterObjectsRelativeZMin, UnderwaterObjectsRelativeZMax, CloudsRelativeZMin, CloudsRelativeZMax, SkyYMin, SkyYMax, SeaRelativeZMin, SeaRelativeZMax, YScaleForFog: The Y(height) component of the vertex position is multiplied with this value before fog distance computation on clouds
SeaFoam: Sea foam settings
UseSlope: If true take into consideration edge angles when computing wave peaks, otherwise consider only relative height
IncreaseSpeed: The new foam is generated with this speed
DecreaseSpeed: Existing foam is destroyed with this speed
IncreaseAngleMin: The wave peak angle where we start to increase the foam quantity
IncreaseAngleMax: The wave peak angle where the increase speed is maximum
TextureScale: Foam texture scale coeff
MaskTextureScale: Foam mask texture scale coeff
WindSpeed___AnimationSpeed__Sky: Sky parameters for different sun azimuth angles. The angles start from 90 degrees (zenith) and vary with a 15 degrees step to -90 degrees
SunRelativeSize: 1.0f is normal size, the sun is larger at sunrise/sunset
SkyTextureIndex: Textures are arranged in column major order. -1 means no texture at this position
Last edited by nvdrifter; 04-07-07 at 10:52 PM.