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Old 02-10-07, 02:58 AM   #1
Subsim Diehard
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Default SM-2 Surface attack

Problem: AI missile defense systems won't shoot down SM-2 that are incoming. They just let them close in without a fight.

Cause: Its the "guided" option on the DWEdit Object Dialog. From what I'm seeing, anything that's been flagged "guided" will not register as a threat to the AI missile defense, even if the missile is also flagged as a "SSM"

Solution: A little around the bush, but produces the desired effect...
1. Create a brand new missile called "SM-2 SS" with the same speed, warhead, etc and make it a SSM only (no guided).
2. Give it a replica of the "Missile" doctrine, but with an additional code insert to only home-in on surf ships. ( IF NEWTRACK and TgtClass $= "Surf" THEN { ... ) . This will simulate the "guided" effect of the missile (since a missile that is being guided to the target by a firecontrol radar will be immune to chaff imho). You can call the doctrine "SM-2SSM" if you like.
3. Remove any Surface attack ability from the original SM-2
4. Add the SM-2 SS to the VLS loadout to Tico''s, Burks, and Kongo's

Only really applies to Ticos, Burkes, and Kongos (I don't think any other AI platforms use SM-2 iirc). Its a bit of a round about solution, but will trick the AI's to figthing back against incoming SM-2 threats in scenarios where Aegis and enemy ships are duking it out.

"Seek not to offend or annoy... only to speak the truth"-a wise man
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