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Old 12-11-06, 07:19 AM   #7
Ace of the Deep
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Default New Harpoon3 Scenario

The 39th new scenario of the year!


New World Order Battleset #3: Algerian Conflict

In July 1994, the unrest in Algeria that had been simmering for years finally exploded into a major armed conflict. The terror campaign that had been carried out by Islamic extremists since the early 1990s, reached an awful crescendo when they finally seized power in the country. Algerian government forces, demoralized and fearful of repercussions against their families, lay down their arms and capitulated to the rebel army by August 1994. It did not take long for the new Islamic government to gain support from Iran and Libya for its anti-Western stance. A major program to build a powerful Algerian military was funded by trading oil to Russia for arms. In March 1995, Algerian forces began harassing Western ship traffic in the Western Mediterranean. On 27 August, 1995, a civilian airliner was hijacked by Islamic extremists. The hijackers were given sanctuary in Algeria and the passengers were held for ransom. A Coalition of Western nations responded.


The rescue attempt was successful. The hostages were freed, but not without cost. Four troopers were killed and 27 more were wounded in the operation. To make matters worse, two of the Sea Stallions were damaged by ground fire and crashed on final approach to the Kearsarge! Helicopters are currently busy pulling survivors from the water.

Author: Brad Leyte, Herman Hum

These two scenarios have also been tested for compatibility with Harpoon3 v3.6.3


This scenario follows Katyusha.

After a month-long war in Southern Lebanon which saw thousands of Katyusha rockets landing in Israel, the UN Security Council has enforced resolution 1702.

With Lebanon weakened and unstable, Syria felt it was in her best interests to occupy the country. Beirut has come under attack and Western nations are coordinating a massive effort to repatriate their citizens.

This scenario is a re-make of a Harpoon Classic scenario written by Mark Gellis and has been re-made for Harpoon 3 with the author's permission.

Author: Mark Gellis, Freek Schepers, Herman Hum


For reasons which are not entirely clear, Indonesia has invaded and occupied part of the Nicobar Islands.

Normally, the United States would leave the matter to India, but, by unhappy coincidence, the Indonesians chose to invade while an American film company was on Car Nicobar shooting scenes for a movie. In the confusion of battle, there were a number of American casualties, including two popular young American starlets (one of them a friend of the President's own children and a frequent visitor to the White House). A few days later, an amateur video showing the bodies of Americans killed in the attack surfaced on the internet.

To make matters worse, the Indonesians have refused to release those Americans who survived the attack; the Indonesians are holding them as hostages to prevent American involvement in the conflict.

With American public opinion inflamed, the President has little choice but to act. Whether the Indians like it or not, America will be taking the Nicobar Islands back for them.

This scenario is a re-make of a Harpoon Classice scenario written by Mark Gellis. It has been re-made into Harpoon3 with permission from the author.

Author: Mark Gellis, Herman Hum

These scenarios require the latest release of the PlayersDB v6.4.9

Get it via: HarPlonkHQ, Xtreme-Gamer, HarpGamer, SimHQ, PlayersDB Depot, Matrix, SubSim, CombatAce, or Frugal's World of Simulation.

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