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Old 10-22-06, 09:09 AM   #639
Ocean Warrior
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Goddamn it!

To my horror, I realized Bernard had infected my poor u-boat!

Luckily and incredibly, when I afterwards loaded up SH3 with SH3 Commander, I get this message: "Bernhard has been transferred to another u-boat". Can you believe my luck?

Neither could I, and it was too good to last. When I started up my next career and told SH3 Commander to make me crew names, I got this:

Will I never have peace? I feel like the victim of a disaster watching footage from the tragedy be played over and over again over a period of years. I try to forget and put it behind me, and BOOM! Tragedy on TV again! Only it's Bernard instead of the WTC or an earthquake or what-the-Heck-not!

Leave me be already! Haunt me no more!

PS: Is it safe to let Bernard go? Or will it leave a curse on my submarine?
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