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Old 10-15-06, 10:04 PM   #1
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Default Sink the Bismark: Review

Don't know if that been reviewed here yet, but I just watched it on the weekend and thought I'd post my comments on it.
If you've seen it aswell feel free to comment....

Sink the Bismark (1960)
Kenneth More & Dana Wynter

Now I watched the theatrical trailer before seeing the movie and bust out laughing on the "emotional performance" of Dana, man they must have had different interetations of showing emotions cause the amount was very very minimal in the trailer (though there was a couple of scene's in the movie that showed almost normal emotion from her and the cast). I just thought that they played the reserved englishman too far.

It was good to see some of the action taken from HQ's perspective. I'm sure some would have wanted it to be taken more from the Capitans (and on the ships) perspective but having it played out the way it did was ok by me.

The central plot contains the lead character Captain Jonathan Shepard (Kenneth More) taking command of the british naval war room in '41 just before the Bismark sails out of the Baltic. And follows the event's until the sinking of the Bismark, both via the actions directing the allied ships in the War room and on the ships themselves when action takes place.

It's got a small personal sub-plot to do the the Captain's family (I'll not go into it in-depth cause people may not have watched it yet) and the inter-play between the two main characters (Kenneth More & Dana Wynter's).

Now the choice of alternating between actual naval footage, staged mock's and model usage may not please some but it wasn't too bad in it's execution. Actually the parts where the cruisers were shadowing the Bismark in fog actually looked very good for models. When I was watching it I couldn't help but think if they re-made it now all the naval actions scene's would be in CGI and to me that would be a great loss because I actually liked seeing the achival naval footage.

Now there was imo some overacting by the german high commander (the capitan of the Bismark was ok) and later in the movie there was descent emotions from Captain Jonathan Shepard & 2nd Officer Anne Davis so in that respect in balanced out.

So overall I'd definately recommend watching it.
I actually learned a couple of things from it

4 stars (out of 5)
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