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Old 10-13-06, 08:18 AM   #44
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Still digging around the game params_xml to fgure out how to set up a historical campaign. The biggest offender is that currently the US starts with twenty Lexington CVs including aircraft. Most of the CVs are buried in transport convoys.

If I manage to get hold of this does anyone have a concise order of battle for the US and Japan circa 1940? There are fleet setups and a WarProfile for each side inside the xml, gotta figure out if/how they impact each other.

Timetraveller, do you know when PS uses the arcade vs. real setup found in the game params xml? I've used normal and hard difficulty settings and haven't found any differences in the units. Dunno if the free campiagn uses this and historical uses real.

The other knock I have against PS is the base/personal/ship/resource management. It is a cluster (and that is putting it mildly). It would be so much better if the troop tab would show each base, it's resources, resource potential, operating costs and naval units in their port. As it stands now it's just a list with no rhyme or reason to it. Not to mention the fact you have to drill down into everything to get a accurate picture of your units.

The AI supply option does a "fair" job but woe be to you if you try to prioritize a cargo delivery. Many times AI supply won't load max cargo/oil even if it is availible and there is plenty of storage at it's destination. Makes it tough to build up particular bases.

In M:TW you could do a decent job of managing 20+ provinces but in PS trying to manage 15-20 bases is not user friendly at all.
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