Thread: Flyboys
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Old 09-24-06, 08:04 PM   #4
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Originally Posted by Neal Stevens
I recommend it. The film is studded with the usual cliches and more than a few dopey scenes, but there are some good scenes, too. And this is the first WWI aviation film in decades. The special effects and dogfight scenes are really good, this is a great film to see on the big screen. There's one scene where the American pilot is in a turning battle with the German ace...very arresting visuals.

Right on Neal.
Here's my thoughts on the movie. I was worried when I saw the preview, that it was another one of these Hollywood arcade game movies. I found one review that called it the "prequel to Pearl Harbor," which made me worry. But, it's still a WWI aviation movie , so bring it on!
There are a few tacky parts, but they don't hold the movie back in my opinion. The scene where they crash in no-man's land, for one. (I don't want to ruin the movie, so I'm not saying much). I thought the fighting scenes were believable, unlike the air-to-air scenes in P.H. People die...Planes fall apart...yes even goodguy's get hit! I loved all of the airplanes, I wish they had a larger variety of planes. An Albatros III or V would have been cool! They were much more common than the DR IThank god for CGI graphics. Then the part I feared the most....the love story . First of all, I am anti-lovestory in war-movies, (See Pearl Harbor why or any John Wayne love-plot-twist), having said that, the love story in Flyboys, wasn't that bad. It had some interesting twists. They weren't as sexed-up as I thought they'd be.

So...what I learned from watching "Flyboys:"
1. The Germans only flew red triplanes.
2. Some Germans are bastards, but some are okay until they kill you friends.
3. You can fly a plane with a hook...if you fly for the French
4. The Germans had lots of tanks...oops wrong war.
5. The next time I fly in France (which I haven't) I REALLY NEED TO CRASH MY AEROPLANE IN A TREE...note to self:bring bottle of anti-biotics
6. All American hero's come from......Texas.

My summary:
I liked the ending, they showed an actual picture of the Esquadrille de Lafeyette. The fighting scenes weren't too "arcadish". The characters that need to die, die and they ones that need to live, live. So, when is the DVD coming out.

Last edited by nikimcbee; 09-24-06 at 08:26 PM.
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