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Old 08-29-06, 11:01 AM   #167
Posts: n/a

Originally Posted by SubSerpent
Rob, are you making a movie or are you just trying to learn how to do this stuff for yourself?
I'm making a movie of my convoy encounter, and have got all the titles in I want on various clips, Now I want to add a black background credits thingy at the end scrolling like a type written page. Difficult to explain. Then I have to make all the movie clips sounds the same level and then I have to add my music.

A moment. I'll look at a couple movies to see if I can point out what I mean by white text on black background scrolling like type written text. Then I'll come back and add an edit.

Edit: I looked at a few and I would like your style of the ending credits. How do you get Special List like that and how did you do the music credits. The text over water I can try that.[/quote]

Do the steps that I said in my above post. Once you click on 'Done' the credits will appear at the very end of your movie. Simply click on the box that was created and drag it over the section of the movie that you want it to be displayed at. It will automatically play the movie in the background and your credits will scroll up the screen. If you want the credits to go slowly scroll up the screen stretch that box across a larger portion of your movie down at the bottom of the screen in the sequence area.

Work with it Rob. I had never used Movie Maker before I made "The Last Hunt" and I taught myself in a few hours of trying different things out and constantly playing the movie within Movie Maker to make sure that things lined up with the music just right. Just toy with it for awhile and test different things out to see what looks and feels best for you. Every movie maker has their own style so you won't ever really know how good yours is until you present it to the world. I am not all that impressed by my movie honestly, but that is because I can see my flaws a bit more clearly than anyone else since I was the originator of my film. If you end up making a movie and people say they don't like it and rate it badly, just try again and use their suggestions and comments as a basis for support on your next film.

I think my biggest mistake that I made with my movie was that I rushed it because I wanted to put something out there. I spent more time on the opening and ending and not enough on the middle. Granted that the middle is the hardest part to fill with Silent Hunter III since it is so limited content wise. You can't script the crew members to walk around the U-boat(s) or talk about various things like you could with lets say Operation Flashpoint with a much more indepth mission editor and script editor. So use the beginning of your film to capture your audience - the middle can be somewhat bland but not too bland, and have a fairly powerful ending to give them something to remember you movie by.

Notice how at the end of my video the U-boat hit the Nelson with a torpedo but it never showed it sinking. I then went straight to the credits after that to make people think that the movie was over. But at the end of the credits you finally get to see that the Bismark survived (that was the ship that I had my camera under) and at the very very very end you see the Nelson on its way down to the bottom in the dark murky waters at quite a fast pace since you would assume a Battleship could travel up to 100knots or more as it sank down to the bottom, gravity pushing her faster and faster downwards until she hit rock bottom. <---Just like the Titanic they assume must have been doing nearly 60-80 knots as she sank down 2.5 miles under.
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