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Old 05-17-24, 07:10 PM   #12
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Originally Posted by mapuc View Post
Today people get their money into their bank account and they don't have to have money between their fingers to live a good life.
That difference is illusory, the one is banknotes and coins and both are not based on commodities, and the other is electrinic money or bookm money, again not basing on commodities. Both can be transferred into the other format, both are two aggregate states - to give it a name - of one and the same counterfeit money: FIAT money.

FIAT money and fractional reserve banking: the two master assassins of every economic systen and of liberal political order and freedom.

In Roddenberry's vision, people do not need to work for a living, its guaranteed. He assumed people would automatically do the idealistically best if given endless free time and free choice and all material needs are gone, no bills must be paid, and no economic responsibility emerges from endlessly taking from the ressourc epool, the common wealth. For ann utopiuc idelaist this ma ysounbd reasonabvle ti expect, foir a realist - well, I think we cna know it better. Its against human nature to be 100% altruistic, seeking self-realisation ony and caring maximum for all others. Man also is greedy, lazy, lustful, and never gets enough, wants to possess and to own - and ever more of stuff.

Roddenberry based on a population of self-aware Buddhas. Well. We are certainly far from that. We have had extebsuve freedoms and wealth in the West. Look what we voluntarily, needlessly made of them. Hardly something desirable, judging by the current state of things and the projected trends of where things will go further.

There must always be those who carry out the garbage and do the dirty work. And they don't do this to realize themselves, but for the standardized and standardizing consideration - MONEY. Milk and honey do not flow all by themselves.
If you feel nuts, consult an expert.
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