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Old 05-12-24, 03:23 PM   #278
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Bon appetit.

Reminds of Crisco: a product well-known and much used in the US since the middle of the first half of past century as a butter replacement, but now since decades already been forgottehn again thank God. Originally the - content, to out it this way, of Cricso is basing on a lubricant developed by German and Austrian engineers to be used in U-Boats.

And rape seed oil. Originally never intended for human consumption, it was produced as a basis for producing lamp pil and - soap.

The promotiion of the oh so healthy Meditarranean diet and olive oil - a hoax, almost, the result of a marketing campaign from the early 70s on, to protect the culturla good of olive oil proctuon in Italy and Greece. No real evidence for or aga8mnst anything her,e not even a consensus in what Meditaranean diet is. What thy claim iot is, bases of a few hunbdred male idnsoduavl'S diet on Crete, and a small population in a few regions of Southern Italy, and the statiscla anylsis leaves ppenty ot be diesire, to put it very poiltely and very mildly. - All to be nicely readin Nina Teichholz' formidable book The Big Fat Surprise. There she even elaborates on that they even faked traslation of Homer to "quote" him on that in the Ancient era people in the Mediterranean area actually consummed olive oil. The didn't, it was used as a skin soap agent and skin creme instead. Nobody ate it. The only thing that makes Mediterranean diet, no matter how you actually want to define it, indeed healthier than other food regiments is that it drastically cuts down sugars.

We should do like our grandparents did. Use only fats that at room temperature are solid, and do stem from animals then automatically, and are not industrially processed at all. Help me - how long was human evolution lasting so far so that formed and designed us and our current biochemistry...? To consume plant seed oils is an absolutely new and evolutionary untested stupdidty that is around since not even 150 years so far. Biologically we are not adapted to that after this ridiculously short ammount of time at all. I win a lot of beef tallow when I fry ground beef, and patties. I collect it in a cup and put it in the fridge. That and butter and ghee and occasionally Coconut oil. thats the only stuff I use now. I have even sorted out my beloved roasted sesam seed oil - it oxidates quickly like all liquid oils, one cannot help it. A compromise I accept regarding omega-3 fish oil. I cannot eat fish every day. And capsules may not oxidize, but you do not know, since you cannot smell the content, whether it is done and over already or not. So you must accept it in bottles, stored int he fridge. Ideally we would get all our needed O3s from eating the right stuff, but regarding the wanated quantity that is pragmatically not possible for most of us. Thus I accept a hopefully small evil to win a much bigger gain.
If you feel nuts, consult an expert.
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