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Old 05-09-24, 03:25 PM   #5
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Default No idea!

It is said that the magnetic fuses under the keel are most destructive in terms of reducing a ships overall "hit points". However I understand that the most important thing is where the torpedo strikes in relation to the various "hit boxes" in the ship structure damage model, which in turn varies ship by ship. Some people on this forum have compiled diagrams about where to aim for each ship type.
I like to go for an impact fuse fairly deep under the funnel as it is most likely to work and a ship is not going anywhere without a boiler room, even if it does not sink. But what would I know?

Didn't someone find a reference that half draught is the historically correct setting? Not sure in what period or with what type of fuse. Can someone remind me? It would have been guesswork anyway because of the large variety of merchant ships and the variation of draught with load. I'm very sceptical about the way we set the magnetic eels to 1m under the keel.

PS The torpedo malfunctions in bad weather are part of HSie and Stiebler's patch. There's a manual called Readme_V16B1.pdf which might be in OneAlex's compilation or you can google it.

Last edited by Hooston; 05-09-24 at 03:51 PM.
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