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Old 05-09-24, 10:37 AM   #2
Fleet Admiral
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If you thinking in one disaster only, it wouldn't be as easy as we think to erase the Human totally.

Who says it will only be one disaster- If we look at our religious books they describe several disaster after each other. Even here there will be survivors among the humans.

There's one disaster in which there will be no survivor-That is if we haven't started to expand our livings to other planets. What I'm talking about is when the sun grow and eat earth.

Another question is.

What about our own development? Right now we are called Homo Sapiens Sapiens. How would the next step be like ? And would they outrun the Homo Sapiens Sapiens or will there be survivors ?
Even here-When the first Homo Sapiens came they almost erased the Neanderthal from existing. From what I remember they lived among the Homo Sapiens for thousands of years before they finally got extinct.


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