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Old 04-29-24, 02:29 PM   #3318
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Originally Posted by mapuc View Post
Sad to say, I think Skybird is right about his statement on how Russian sees their soldiers "The humanitarian cost is of no concern for the fascists in the Kremlin"

It wouldn't matter if Russia loses additional 500.000 men.

With 500,000 men Russia is against an army of one million people and this will grow with the new mobilization law. That Putin and his gang do not care that 500,000 men become fertilizer does not mean Russia reach any strategic goal they set for themselves. Russia with his bigger air force, ground force, navy and large equipment has after 795 days not reached one strategic goal 500,000 men will not change that 90% will die for a couple of meters.

Mobilize is a huge logistical project with some crucial bottlenecks. It's not just rigging up an enlistment centre all those people need uniforms, adequate armour, and they need training to get their basic skills back on track. Because if those soldiers can't shoot properly and aren't physically fit, what good are they on the front lines? On top of that, you need people to conduct those trainings. But all the soldiers are already at the front, so there are few executive officers available. Then those who conduct the training will probably also be recently called up reservists themselves. You really need two months for that basic training, even if reservists are experienced. After that, the soldiers have to go to the front, where functional training follows. This involves teaching the soldiers how to handle the equipment at hand, for example, how to drive the specific tanks that are being deployed. Here, the same problem applies ^ are those training tanks available at all, or are they all driving around in combat areas? Housing must also be rigged at the front for the fresh troops, and a large amount of food must be hauled in. Before all these things are arranged, you are four months away. This how we train our army Russian army get no training no care no support they are only prepared to become fertilizer, do not expect those troops are effective!

The quality of the Ukrainian army is simply higher, and the Russians are now trying to compensate for that with superior quantity. In the past think of World War II against Nazi Germany this tactic worked for the Russians, but I don't think it will work again now. Back then the Russians were defending their own territory, but now they are actually invading another country whose people, moreover, they see as brotherly people. Consequently, Russian morale is very weak. Mentally, the Ukrainians are superior in every way, the quality of their leadership is better, but above all, the motivation of the soldiers to protect their country is enormous. That difference is not rectified with thousands of poorly trained and only half motivated reservists.
Salute Dargo

Originally Posted by Sun Tzu
A victorious Destroyer is like a ton against an ounce.

Last edited by Dargo; 04-29-24 at 02:54 PM.
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