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Old 04-13-24, 07:14 AM   #279
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Revealed: Sydney knifeman, 40, who killed five women and one man in Westfield shopping centre bloodbath 'was known to police' and targeted screaming mum and her baby first before unleashing 15 minutes of horror until lone female cop shot him dead

The Sydney knifeman was a 40-year-old and his attack is not thought to be terror-related, New South Wales Police Commissioner Karen Webb said.
Ms Webb told a press conference: 'Later this evening we became aware of who we believe the offender is and we believe that he is a 40-year-old man.
'However, we are waiting to formally identify him and we cannot speculate yet on his identification.

You don't have to tell us anymore Ms Webb, it will all be revealed when the politicians have their story right and they've briefed the police on exactly what to say to the media.
People aren't ****ing stupid you know, the words of the police spokesman already tells them that they're trying to cover up the bleeding obvious, it's time for politicians to stop pussyfooting around and admit that these bleeding idiots are not welcome in a westernized society anymore.

The next thing for politicians and the police to do is anyone one of these muslims citizens who are known to the police should be deported, and if they have any family there they can be deported too.

Start doing your jobs you bleeding Woke pillocks.

EXCLUSIVE Religious war behind bars: How British white gangs from two major cities fight brutal war against Muslim extremists inside UK's toughest prisons

Why have these politicians who are supposed to lead and Govern our country by example have let things deteriorate to such an extent over the past 45 years or so?.
As we have gathered over the years "Group Think" invariably turns into "Group Stupid", and there's no one group more stupid than our politicians.

EXCLUSIVE Grooming gang leader who targeted hundreds of girls as young as 13 in Telford in systematic abuse hopes to be freed again after getting a parole hearing just 12 years into his sentence

These twats shouldn't be in prison, No, they should have been executed instead of having a cushy life behind bars. Will they be deported?, No again, they'll be free to do whatever criminal acts they want to do.
Politicians eh, the most stupidest currants on planet earth.

Last edited by Jimbuna; 04-13-24 at 11:33 AM. Reason: SPAM filter alert
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