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Old 03-19-24, 11:35 AM   #2105
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Following the poll report from yesterday, FOCUS brought this follow-up today:

However, the majority of FOCUS online readers cite a different reason for their refusal to protect their homeland:

What they see as the "anti-German" policies of the traffic light government in Berlin and the "woke" underlying mood in the country, increasingly promoted by the Green-Red coalition, in which attitudes and feelings such as "love of the fatherland" and "national pride" are downright frowned upon.

Where is the love of country? Massive criticism of Robert Habeck

Many commentators do not feel represented by political representatives such as Vice-Chancellor Robert Habeck (Greens) - and wonder why they should (also) take up arms for such politicians. They refer to an older quote from Habeck:

"I've always found patriotism to suck. I never knew what to do with Germany and still don't." (original: Vaterlandsliebe fand ich stets zum Kotzen. Ich wusste mit Deutschland noch nie etwas anzufangen und weiß es bis heute nicht.)

Here are some - sometimes slightly abridged - opinions from FOCUS online readers:

"When I walk through German city centers today, I ask myself the question: do you really want to give your life for this 'Germany'? No!!!"

"To fight for your country, you need a certain national pride. The one I had was taken away from me in recent years by the governments in Germany and declared inappropriate."

"I won't lift a weary finger for this woke nomenklatura in Berlin."

"I did my military service for 15 months. Back then, there was still something like national pride. Today, I would defend my family and property with a weapon in my hand, but no longer Germany."

"There are politicians who have nothing to do with Germany. Why should I defend them?"


"We've been told for a long time that borders can't be protected, haven't we?"

"If there was something to defend, then of course! But I don't see that at the moment and with our politicians."

"Is it worth defending a country that cares more about funding cycle paths in Peru than providing for its own pensioners?"

"What does it matter who would defend this country if the government capitulates immediately anyway? The state already can't cope with illegal immigrants or clan members."
That aims generally into a direction of arguments where I would sort myself in, too. Germany has had many great quantities in past times, thigns and achieve,ments worth to defend and to br pporud of. But the broken, brain-rotten, history-forgotten thing that Germany is today and is being turned into, is something I do not stand up for, and which I will not lift my small finger for. To serve this present state would be to betray that what once was in all that may have been great and beautiful: by defiling it in order to let the filth of the present live high in relation. I'm done with "modern Germany".

If I would grab a weapon and fight, then not "for (modern) Germany", but for very straight and imminent practical reasons free of any sentimentality. Good Friends. Parents. Own direct survival.
If you feel nuts, consult an expert.

Last edited by Skybird; 03-19-24 at 12:02 PM.
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