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Old 03-16-24, 06:26 AM   #5
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Originally Posted by Wolfar View Post
I now have them all.

SH 5 just got yesterday, I do not like the interface so far.

Sticking with SH4 Wolfs of the pacific with Fall of the Rising Sun Ultimate Mod for now.

Recently got Silent Hunter Commanders Edition downloaded and working. Boy my memory thought it was better than it is.

SH4 with Mods is the best still even after all these years.

I am 66 years old and go all the way back to my first PC.

Which was an Old Atari 800 with an RGB screen and a tape drive to load games.

Thank you for your help. Based on this and what 1PatriotOfMany has said, I just been and got me both SH4 and the SH4 uboat addon via steam store. I was lucky to find them 75% discounted.

Regarding the old Atari's - when I was at school now 25 years ago (eek!) I had a couple of classmates who had an Atari. I remember the old tape contraption, much like a music tape was, and having to wait literally ages for it to load (several minutes if I recall correctly). One of the things it did, was be able to read out loud words you typed in. This might seem childplay today, but back then, a computer reading out load written words was cutting edge. We had a lot of fun with that!

I however had a very early PC (well my Dad did) and this was before Windows. It had DOS and Microsoft works, which made use of the mouse. I only mention this, because it came with a game called 688 SUB ATTACK. This was my introduction to computer gaming, and i'm talking about 32-34 years ago! It was a great game for its time, and featured a 3D unwater map that could be explored while on various missions.

Thanks again for your welcoming & helpful reply!
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