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Old 03-13-24, 07:41 AM   #1229
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Tens of thousands of migrants with failed asylum applications will 'be offered up to £3,000 to move to Rwanda'

Sunak's going to send these Migrants for a holiday to Rwanda at the taxpayers expense is he, the only problem with that is, when the money runs out these Migrants will be back here with their hand out begging for some more money, its going to be an another epic failure by Sunak and his brain dead MPs.

The Bucket Plan.
I have a better plan than that one, why doesn't someone fill a bucket with water and stick Sunak's head in it for an hour, rinse and repeat for all Tory MPs who thinks Sunak's plan is a good idea.

Get a Border Force Bucket prepared and start sticking the crews heads in it, I'm sure they'll get the point of the message eventually, hmmmmm, the Civil Service needs a bucket as well.

There has to be a penalty for failure and a bucket of water is it, the Cost?, how much is a bucket of water worth?, a lot cheaper than £3,000 I expect.
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