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Old 03-07-24, 06:56 PM   #3
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So, just what is so "broken" about this type in NYGM?

The lovely HD models for all player boats in NYGM come from "German U-Boats Compilation," to the best of my knowledge. A few of these problems seem inherent to the XXI from this mod, but not all.

These issues are in no particular order:
Problem: Very slow recharging time: 10+ hours to go from 50% to 100%
I'm not a pro modder, and my grasp of this isn't perfect, but my understanding is that recharge times are a function of diesel/electric engine horsepower/RPM, and battery capacity (range at given speed), in the .sim file. evan82 has said that increasing engine HP makes a boat easier to detect, and it makes sense that E-machine HP would do this, but I haven't been able to determine if diesel HP actually effects it when the diesels aren't running. It stands to reason that if the diesels are stronger it's easier for the enemy to hear us while snorkeling. No doubt there are modders among us who can say for sure.
Fix: In testing I found the XXI in NYGM had better underwater endurance than most sources claim was historical, and far worse recharging rates. By reducing the range and slightly tweaking engine HP, we now have much closer endurance to real life (285nm at 6kt - uboataces, 340nm at 5kt - my changes put us in that ballpark) and a recharge time of 3-4hr to go from 50-60% back to max. In my opinion this is still too slow, but it's acceptable and less distracting, and any faster recharging would either reduce endurance or compromise noise levels, though that last part merits further testing.

Problem: inaccurate instruments: the control room battery charge indicator bottoms out at 20% and caps out at 80%, and the knotmeter caps out at 8kt (17kt reads as 8kt)
Fix: Instrument data files are contained in the "Interiors" folder. These were fairly easy to fix through trial and error, but I wasn't able to make them 100% accurate. The control room battery indicator is now about 99% accurate, and the knotmeter is accurate until you reach about 14kt, above which it becomes slightly off but still close enough to be usable.

Problem: "Radar destroyed, sir!"
I cannot stand this bug! Frankly the constantly-breaking radars are a complete mystery to me in NYGM. I cannot get FUMO 30 to work on ANY boat. FUMO 61 works on only the VIIC/41 and the IXC/40, and none of the other types. FUMO 29 is the only set that works consistently.
Fix: By some miracle, after moving the nodes around and trying seemingly everything, FUMO 64 now works on the XXI after I zeroed-out all the values for the R01 node under "rotation." If you're crazy enough to try to get the arcane FUMO 391 working, may God help you, because I have no clue.

Problem: Snorkel depth is too deep, causing the intake to constantly get swamped by waves. Periscope depth is a little better but still isn't quite shallow enough for snorkeling in heavy seas
Fix: This is one of the simplest parameters to change, since it's in the boat's .cfg file in plain text. It's easy to modify this yourself, but I personally just switched the two values. I also tend to order depth 14.5m when trying to snorkel at moderate wind speeds

Problem: The boat is too tippy and the periscope is too hard to use in rough weather
Fix: Lowered the boat's center of gravity. Again this idea came from evan82. This thing weighs like 2000 tons! It shouldn't bounce around like a Type VII.

Problem: Slow surfacing. The boat takes several minutes before the crew appear on deck, even in fine weather and with the boat fully surfaced, with the diesels running.
Fix: None. I have no idea how to fix this, and I've tried several things. My only advice is to try this awkward cadence when surfacing:
1) order "surface" as normal
2) wait until the boat is at about 7m
3) order "blow ballast!"
4) as soon as the men appear on deck, immediately order "depth: 0m." This will prevent you from wasting all your compressed air.
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