Thread: A few new ideas
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Old 02-08-24, 03:19 AM   #146
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122. Yells, bells and smells. (somewhat "tongue in cheek")

I'd like to see more atmospheric noise in the boat. For example the noise of sleeping crew in berths, very very occasional German snatches of laughter/banter, especially from the forward torpedo room. Sounds of torpedoes being reloaded. (Stronger sounding EOT bells). Sounds from the galley? This would be a first step towards having the full crew represented by butt-scratching avatars scattered about the boat?

If the e-motor is engaged, at dead-slow, such sounds are suppressed, excepting the torpedo reload noise.

The "smells" can be modelled with an empty shoe-polish tin, filled with the mankiest minging piece of jock-strap (or very unwashed sock!) and a few drops of diesel oil. When playing, simply open and place in front of your monitor, or on something warm so as to infuse the air with "eau-de-uboat", remembering to close it after use to forestall being "pinged" by the escorting wife! For those wishing the full experience, mouldy-bread might be added to the tin!

Last edited by Fidd; 02-15-24 at 09:48 AM.
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