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Old 02-02-24, 08:07 AM   #206
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EXCLUSIVE The neighbours fighting to preserve one of London's most historic streets and prevent it from becoming another high-rise complex...but are losing the battle to green schemes, cowboy builders and wealthy outsiders

I've heard that they call this the "March of Progress", Grade II listed terraced houses are being gutted from the inside, as new wealthy residents strip out their historic character in favour of cinema rooms and huge basements.
What are the local council doing about it?, Nothing as usual, they're too busy counting the cash inside of their brown envelopes, Corruption however small is still called Corruption and that's what's happening here. The residents don't stand a bleeding chance when there's money to be made, so don't bother wasting your money on fighting this as you're not going to win, the Council will make sure of that.
If this is what local Labour Councillors are doing, just wait until a Labour Government get in power, the residents probably voted for these councillors so I have little sympathy for them, that Labour Party knife went in your back so fast that you didn't feel it did you?, I can assure you that you'll feel the next one.

Town hall boss admits South London council has failed residents over housing at stormy meeting

Yep, as I previously stated, the Local Council will make sure all this development goes ahead.
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