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Old 01-22-24, 09:51 AM   #756
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Hamas' members are not some foreign mercenaries that came from oversea to Gaza, they are for the most young men that from childhood on have been trained to hate and dispise Jews and see them as dogs or pigs and they learned as little kids of kindergarden age already that it is an achievement to slay a Jew. Hamas recruits its people from the very middle of the Palestinian society.

That innocent the "civilians" are not, in my view.

Also, Islam has had hate on Jews and antisemitism in its founding genes from all its beginning on. This obsessive hate on Jews started already with Muhammad himself after the pharisees rejected him as an equal in theological debate, and Muhammad not concluded he learned too little, but felt offended by them showing him his deficit. Mind you, Islam knows no tolerance on equal terms for non believers, only their subjugation if they belong to the community of the book - or their execution in case of all others. That is no radical Islam. That is no Islamism. That simply is Islam based on the Quran. Thats why I am so unforgivably sceptical about and hostile to this ideology. Its not an ideology preaching tolerance and coexistence, but conquest and subjugation. And its "anything goes" regarding acchieving these goals. Want to stop it? Be stronger and tougher than them. And be aware that Muhammad warned his disciples to ever accept long lasting peace treaties, only limited seizefires - until Islam is strong enough (again, or in the first) to overthrow the other.

Sorry, but this and nothign else is what the Quran is saying. Let the other live, but only under your (Muslim) rule and dominance. And punish the other for not readily converting to islam by letting him know and make him feel he is inferior and is being discriminated. Westerners do not want to see this, since it would force them to realise what a beast they are dealing with, and that it demands self-defending reactions that Westerners are not readily willing to practice. It spoils our illusions of how convincing our ratio is to the others. Well. The West is in free fall. Totalitarian regimes as well as Islam are rising all around. Any questions?
If you feel nuts, consult an expert.
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