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Old 12-30-23, 11:00 AM   #1
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Default Charging batteries in .26 Open Beta

Charging batteries in .26 Open Beta
"Half Speed" 340 RPM 1.8kA Charge
  1. Get the Diesel up to a stable RPM of 340+60 to 70 -> 400-410 RPM
  2. Set Motor Direction OFF
  3. Set Motor Power ON
  4. Set Motor Parallel & Battery Series
  5. Set Speed Control Voltage to Low
  6. Set Motor Direction forward
  7. Adjust Speed Control Voltage so the RPM Matches 340 while not exceeding 800 Motor current.
  8. Verify Battery charge current is 1.8kA -> if not adjust the throttle and Speed Control Regulator to meet the ordered 340 RPM while charging at 1.8kA
"Slow Speed" 255 RPM 1.8kA Charge
  1. Get the Diesel up to a stable RPM of 255+60 to 70 -> 315-325 RPM
  2. Set Motor Direction OFF
  3. Set Motor Power ON
  4. Set Motor Parallel & Battery Series
  5. Set Speed Control Voltage to Low
  6. Set Motor Direction forward
  7. Adjust Speed Control Voltage so the RPM Matches 255 while not exceeding 800 Motor current.
  8. Verify Battery charge current is 1.8kA -> if not adjust the throttle and Speed Control Regulator to meet the ordered 255 RPM while charging at 1.8kA
"Dead Slow" 255 RPM 1.4kA Charge
  1. Get the Diesel up to a stable RPM of 180+60 to 70 -> 240-250 RPM
  2. Set Motor Direction OFF
  3. Set Motor Power ON
  4. Set Motor Parallel & Battery Parallel
  5. Set Speed Control Voltage to Low
  6. Set Motor Direction forward
  7. Adjust Speed Control Voltage so the RPM Matches 180 while not exceeding 800 Motor current.
  8. Verify Battery charge current is 1.4kA -> if not adjust the throttle and Speed Control Regulator to meet the ordered 180 RPM while charging at 1.4kA
While stopped 1.8kA Charge
  1. Get the Diesel to idle at minimum throttle
  2. Decuple screw
  3. Set Motor Direction OFF
  4. Set Motor Power ON
  5. Set Motor Parallel & Battery Series
  6. Set Speed Control Voltage to Low
  7. Set Motor Direction forward
  8. Raise the throttle to maintain high cylinder temp for later use while not exceeding 800 Motor current.

Last edited by Flubbo; 12-30-23 at 05:01 PM.
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