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Old 12-23-23, 06:11 PM   #149
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Originally Posted by clowncarsplatoon View Post
I get constant CTDs when starting a new career (1st Flotilla, 12/1942) with a Full version. On loading screen red bar reaches full after few minutes load time and crashes to desktop. Lite version works fine. Have not tried any other flotillas or starting dates.
That means your game memory is at its peak and can't handle anymore ships and mod weight (it can help if you remove any other mods your loading through jsgme as some may be demanding on the game), others with higher end SSD's (M.2 drives) and fast cpu/ram can get the full version to work without issues. That's why I made a 'lite version' for those who couldn't get the full version to work, also the date your playing Dec 42- Mar 43 is the most demanding time of the war in the mod in terms of events, ship traffic etc going on at once in the game. (that's the date I use to test my mod when I add a new ship each time by starting at Feb 43 using different types of uboats). I also test the ship individually from the rest in museum to make sure all equipment/armaments works for different times of the war, all of these ships are other modders work and im not knowledgeable enough to fix any mistakes they may have left inside the ship .dat files, I just make sure its compatible with the Onealex mod.
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Last edited by kyle9154; 12-23-23 at 06:30 PM.
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