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Old 12-22-23, 11:18 AM   #215
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Originally Posted by Gerald View Post
Thanks. D vitamin I take regulary 5k in October to April in these North hemisphere. But since you brought up K-Vitamin I have no clue more than I have read about that however I have eaten leaf so that will compansete...
No, no and no, leafs do not provide K2, only K1, and that is a huge difference. Only animal food sources can provide K2. K2 and K1 are not the same, as I described somewhere above, even if some vegetarians continue to claim that. It simply is wrong. To remind of it: K1 is about blood coagulation in the main, whilke K2 is about the nclacium in your blood that may get boosted by the Vit D intake.

And while I am at it, halflife and bioavailabiliuty of K2 Mk-2, sometime still sold, is very low and disadvantegous, thats why taking Mk7 is so much better.

In nordic countries you can safelyx assume that you will not suffer if taking vitamin D in summer as well. When our ancestors moved from the equator region to the poles, they lost pigments, becasue the ability of their skin to make vit D suffered the further they went north or south, ,due to weaker sunlight. Thats why you northerners are so pale and white skinned. Still, it is not enough. Ypou can even show that the yearly disirbutiuon of flu and cold pandem ics are linked to the exposure to sunlight in various places and the UV radiation level reached. That reaches as far as to changing death rates, in relation to sun energy levels in a giovne region.

Of course its your decision. I stick with my tip: 5000 in summer, 10000 in winter. The daily limit of the skin to make vit D under most ideal conditions, is around 20,000 IE. I take that as a hint from mother nature that we are able to deal with such volumes safely. Beyond that, further production steeply declines, so then taking more pills beyond 20,000 IEs probably only produces expensive urine.

Nothing wrong with having a calcidiol-in-serum level of 100 ngr/ml (after corona trsditoinalists said it shoud, be just 40-60, then you are fine. Well, you are safe, but further benefit can be had for a penny or two, so: why not? Even a bit more than 100 most likely will not become dangerous. The motto with vit D and C really is: MORE IS MORE. Its not always and with everything like this. But here it is the case.

How does kidney function react to high vitamin D levels?
How does serum calcium react to rising vitamin D levels?

These questions are analyzed here using scientific graphics. There is even a poisoning study from Turkey. Here, children were observed who were given 4000 times the dose of vitamin D over a longer period of time because a preparation was produced incorrectly: Intoxication.

The results of the Turkish study show that a problematic increase in calcium and creatinine levels occurred from around 300 nanograms/milliliter. Conversely, this means that vitamin D levels below 300 were fortunately still without problems for children.

It is also reassuring to learn that all the children's laboratory values have returned to normal. So there was not a single child who was permanently damaged. This is remarkable in view of the fact that vitamin D levels of up to almost 1000 nanograms/milliliter were achieved.
If you feel nuts, consult an expert.
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