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Old 12-22-23, 09:31 AM   #213
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The B complex looks alright and comparable to the drugs we have over here, only small differences. If you ever consider to go after iodine however you may want to consider separate preparations to boost B3 and B6, it helps detoxification that may be an issue if you start bwith iodine: when it is about to get rid of the other halogens poisening your body and blocking iodine out. The B12 content could be higher if you approach higher age. - I would take 3, maybe 4 of these B pills. But thats me.

The Magnesium is fine. You said you take 3 of these. Good, if your guts play ball: stick with it.

The Multi-Vit.: its comfortable but I always recommend to supplement all thes e lements individually, for two reasons: first, you can dose them all individually, second, some nutrients compepte for the same secondary agents the body must invest to assimilate them, if you take these nutrients together, you reduce both their availability. Usually its not dangerous, just uneconomic. In worst case the content of one nutrient may get completely neutralised.

2500 mcgr Vitamin A is around 8330 IUs . Thats fine, it must not get more, probably, myself I stick with 5000. Safe limit in literature often marked at 10-12 thousand, but that may not be engraved in stone, the debate rages.

25 mcgr Vit D is 1000 IE. Thats is way too little. 5000 is my minimum recommendation. 10000 would be better.

Vitamine E, now that is a complicated topic. There is a band of 8 brothers who together form "vitamin E". These are called isomers. Think of them as the seven notes of the for example c major scale - you need them all to form a melody, just having one or two does not allow you to do much. Their names are alpha, beta gamma delta tocopherol, and alpha, beta gamma, delta tocotrinols. Some of these isomers are better behaved than the others. The bully in the block unfortunately is alpha tocopherol, and it is the one the industry can build in huge quantity and extremely cheaply, thats why it is so popular as servign as a "vitamin E supplement": small ivnrestment, huge profit return. Unfortunately it is dangerous. First, frequent consumpation of alpha tocopherol raises the likelihood of having life expectancy shortened, especially amongst males. Second, its presence has a severe suppressing effect on the other seven isomers, and if its volume content is beyond 25 or 30% of all included vitamin e isomers, it completely neutralises all the others's positive effects. Unfortunately, as I said, the industry loves to pump alpha tocopherol out, and these levels in a mix of isomers thus are easily reached if the other isomers are present. The vitamine E solution in this capsule to me is an absolute No-Go. But thats me. Alpha tocopherol already is in many things, added as an antioxidant, then I do not want to artificially supplement it. For improved heart and cardiovascular health, focus instead on something that excludes or minimises this isomer, and that maximises gamma and delta tocotrinol instead, these are the two you really want most. They usually can be had in form of so called DMT3-oils. The one I use has 96% of the two wanted isomers, only 4% of the other six, including alpha tocopherol. Unfortunately this is one of the most expensive supplements around. The bottom line of this message: avoid further supplementation of alpha tocopherol - chnaces are you already get more than enough via other industrial food.

Vit-C: way too little. Waaayyyyy too little.

Vit-K. They dont say whether it is K1 or K2, and if K2, which one: there are 14 or 18 different ones (called MK1-MK14), all of them in two "symmetrical" conditions (called cis and trans). K1 and K2 have two very different foci, the K1 focusses on blood coagulation, K2 mainly is about the calcium metabolism. You want in precise terminology this: K2-MK7 all-trans. Not MK4. Not K1. Not "K" - that could be just about anything, K1, K2, a mix, even K3.

Iodine content is waaayyyyy too low.

Zinc and Selenium could be a bit more, but okay, they do it this way...

On the plant-based ingredients I am obviously out, as a carnivore. My guts microbiome is completely different by now. Note to you: if you indeed go carnivore, expect a few weeks of guts troubles when the biome in your guts gets exchanged. Bacteria living of fibre go out, bacteria needed for digesting meat and fat go in. Your guts relearns to work with fat, and to extract that plenty of fluids withotu fibre beign around. You MUST eat fatty if you eat carnivore - you do not want lean meat!!! Still everything can be overdone or underdone, so here. Your liver produces a certain quantity of bile per day, no matter what and when and how much you eat, it gets stored in the gallbladder, the latter does not produce bile, it just stores it. This bile must suffice over the day, and whether it does or not depends on whether you had too much, too little or optimal fat input in your food. You also will see an effect from the fluid absorbtion in the guts being changed from fibre-heavy diet to meat, the guts must adapt to it. All this affects whether you have thick and hard or loose and greasy stool. most people changing to carnivore have the latter, the transition phase can last from 10 to 40 days, it depends on the individual. In any case it is important to eat a good amount of salt. They scaremonger us with salt and say we should avoid it. No, we shouldnt, we should embrace it, the low salt regimen has killed probably so many peopel like only few other modern medicine myths have. But we also should drink, and not according to timetables and numbers, but thirst. If you eat more salt, you will likely feel more thirst - so allow to drink more! Life can be so simple. Use that salt shaker according to your taste, have no bad conscience, and have a bottle on the table. With salt, I am varying between 8 and 15 gr per day. Taste, you know.

We do not need fibre as carnivores, we even cannot digest them. They cause our guts to work overtime, and only bacteria feed on them - we do not. It even causes us health problems.If the guts must work overtime all time long because you do not stop pushing crap into it that it must push out again, then it suffers from breakdowns, gets worn out, is exhausted.

Whether living bacteria cultures can survive the HCl bath in the stomach and still live when reaching the guts, is hotly debated and unclear. I side with the camp that says No, most likely not, but we may be shown wrong one day. Until then I eat yogurt because I like the taste and consistence, not for health reasons. I think when it reaches my guts then everything that once lived in it already is dead. So, I do not care for probiotics, living bacteria cultures and the likes, even more so if they serve the needs of a herbivore's biome. I care more about animal nutrients like creatin, carnosin, carnitin... and protein of a quality that only animal protein provides, and that you can never get from plants in this bioavailable quality. Proteins are needed to form amino acids. Be deficitary in protein and you are deficitary in amino acids. And that can and will have severe health consequences.


The Vit D: your capsules seem to not include K2. Take two of those pills in winter, one or two in summer, and you should be fine with vit D, but get a separate K2-MK7 preparation and take 200 mcgr per 5000IEs of Vit D. More is better, helps to decalcify your plaques. - Oh yes, plaques can be build back by GLA protein and osteocalcin. They showed that in a clinical trial. When 41 or 42% of the calcium in the plaques had disappeared , they broke off the trial. Either they had a fixed time table already before, or the trial became too successful, threatening the sales of expensive drugs and therapies against arterosclerosis. - You most likely cannot overdose K2. . Its like blowing out a running candle. If you would have let it burn on, it would most likely have burnt down all the way...
If you feel nuts, consult an expert.

Last edited by Skybird; 12-22-23 at 11:02 AM.
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