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Old 12-02-23, 01:18 PM   #95
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The lies
Originally Posted by Moonlight View Post
EXCLUSIVE We HAVE to hire foreign labourers from ex-Soviet republics to work on our farms - because Brits are so 'workshy': British farmers heap praise on new Asian workforce picking fruit and veg after claiming locals 'don't want to get their hands dirty'

Why don't you tell us about the generous Tax Incentives given to you by the Tory government for employing these Migrants, and why is it that you can employ these Migrants at 20% less than the minimum wage, oh, you don't want to discuss that, I wonder Why?.
Pay a living wage and stop getting labour cheap from abroad and your problems are solved. If a Brit took up the job what are they going to do for the other 6 months of the year when they are surplus to requirements. What did you say?, they can get back on Universal Credit, oh, don't you just love his caring nature.

Don't piss up my back you ******* currant as it's already wet through by this Tory government.
The Reality
Migrant fruit picker who ‘struggled to buy food after being underpaid by British farm’ sues employers

I told you the first story was a load of bollocks.
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