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Old 11-09-23, 03:22 PM   #6992
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Originally Posted by August View Post
Thing is they're not electing those representatives, they are loosing to pro-choice opponents. The right to an abortion is like the top get-out-the-vote motivator for Democrats and they use it quite effectively as a political cudgel to defeat pro-life opponents.
Yep, The topic is certainly a motivator for certain voters to glom on too. It’s probably the one subject they think they have control over. I post something about the deficit spending, national debt, this administrations monetary policy, foreign policy, attacks on our troops and it’s nothing but crickets. Mention abortion and they come out of wood work. I’ll say it again, I see it at times a necessity but ought to be limited. I also agree with RBG that Roe v Wade was a mistake and the current SCOTUS ruling making it a State issue.

However I’m horrified by some states, all democrat, who seem so eager and willing to abort a life no holds barred. Heartless, inhuman, monstrous, party fanboys who rejoice extinguishing a life late term. Laws like that have absolutely nothing to with women’s rights but everything to do with protecting the business of abortion and the sales of body parts.
Guardian of the honey and nuts

Let's assume I'm right, it'll save time.

Last edited by Rockstar; 11-11-23 at 07:02 PM.
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