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Old 09-15-23, 03:26 PM   #3
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Originally Posted by spriterfight12 View Post
So i have some struggles to understand the basics of convoy attacks, i am unable to complete the mission because whenever i position myself the convoy is faster than me submerged and 1/2 speed, the problem i am afraid to use flank speed to get in position because the destroyers will hear me. I am around 7 km away (4.3 miles) and when i get close the convoy changes course and i have to repositon myself but i am too slow to get in position and cant use faster speeds. Anyway could someone tell me some tips and the ranges that a destroyer can see,hear me, also when we must to submerge and use the radar to track the convoy

The convoy mission from the submarine school is a challenge when you are starting out. I know because it took me like 5 times to succeed. The setup is always the same or almost the same. There is a convoy to the NW of your starting position and they are moving S or close to S. You have to move close to their line of travel by heading West to get ahead of them. You may be able to move on the surface for the first few minutes but are almost in contact with their escorts. After submerging, continue to go West. IF any destroyers start to come close go to depth to get below the thermocline, like at 160 ft. When below it you don't have to stay silent but can move at 2/3 or standard speed. When close to the projected line of travel of the convoy, like 1500 yards or less, come up to periscope depth.

Get a fast look at the situation. If you have done well there should be targets in good range or close to it. IF not in range yet use your map tools to mark positions of ships you want to attack. Prioritize the large or medium ships as you need to sink 10,000 tons which is much easier if you only need to sink 1 or 2 ships.

Practice using the automatic targeting to get high percentage shots. You want to get a 'good' lock on a ship at somewhere near a 90 degree angle to your sub. I always set the mk14 torpedoes to high speed to make it a shorter time to hit.

Good luck! it may take a few times to succeed. Sooner or later you will get pounded by the destroyers. You will have to decide if you want to stick around and try to survive the depth charges. Or head away from the convoy to escape and try again.
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