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Old 08-22-23, 11:56 PM   #8
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Thank you for the response Ruby.

The problem is that bearing-only interception from hydrophone, which arguably would be the most realistic method for finding a convoy, does not seem to be truly supported in Uboat. It's based on something called target motion analysis. You should be able to determine the target's course, range, and speed, just by knowing what the direction to the target or bearing is at different points in time with some simplifying assumptions (constant course and speed). That is the basis for the four-bearing method. When you get a hydrophone contact on the hardest settings, the estimated range and course are already calculated for you and shown by the location and movement of the blip on the map. I would prefer if the hydrophone contact was not so telling, just an accurate bearing.

Bearing only TMA is beautiful when you get to appreciate how it works. Since TMA provides you range, course, and speed JUST by analyzing the hydrophone bearing changes over different intervals, you can make torpedo attacks without ever raising your periscope. It depends on a precise hydrophone bearing and I can't seem to work the manual hydrophone in order to get an accurate bearing. I am fully willing and able to mod the game to make this possible at some point. Maybe it's not something that even belongs in Uboat since true-to-life realism is obviously not the style of the game, but the more realistic torpedo attack methods are much more fun to me and I really do like Uboat's other mechanics as well. Another thing I think this game needs is the RAOBF. That is another dark art of uboating that people will appreciate when they learn how to use.

P.S. even though the targets course may change at points in time, for large periods their course will be constant speed and heading which makes TMA viable.

Last edited by PDoolittle; 08-23-23 at 12:09 AM.
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