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Old 08-08-23, 04:21 AM   #47
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Originally Posted by Eteokles View Post
Just taking the dive officer exam.
It's wrongly spelled Pappenburg gauge instead of Papenberg

Also, there's questions around the "Dive Safe" Panel for the advanced exam, that panel isn't even in the game yet, how are we supposed to know that?

Another mistake in the advanced dive officer training:
10. To "ride the bubble", you may blow up to ____________ of water from the MBTs.
Answers are either 5PSI or 5cm3, correct is 5m3
The training videos were made with the new patch in mind, so they are primarily to educate players as much as they are to train current ones. It's not that you're expected to know them, rather that you're expected to know them having watched the videos, in order that you're prepared for the changes in a number of roles.

Not made clear in the video's, but I've noticed that there's no line of sight from the dive-safe panel to either of the two MBT valves, so rather than having the DO open those valves, (as he does now) it's likely that he will instead command "flood MBT's" whilst he watches the panel with other crewmen operating them to precipitate the dive.
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