Thread: A few new ideas
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Old 07-31-23, 09:14 PM   #39
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30. Observer position (aka compressor chap)

In order to shew new players the game at it's best, it would be helpful to have an extra crew position with very limited operable controls, so they can be aboard a multi-player boat in a multi-boat game, without being a liability, or without taking the place of an another more experienced player. A few tasks should be open to them - perhaps:
running the compressor
viewing through periscopes raising/lowering same
steering but not using throttle
decrypting Enigma
using the echo-sounder

It would give them a good opportunity to see and hear a well crewed boat operating, as well as to feel part of the team by being given some simpler tasks to do, prior to being trained up properly in a role? As things stand, I think a lot of newer players are caught in the following situation:

Most lobbies are locked to them
They lack the knowledge to start a lobby of their own
And the complexities of the boat are tough to deal with as an ab-initio player
And they lack a circle of steam-"friends" able to bring them into locked lobbies or to help train them.

These issues in sum, I believe make this a somewhat inaccessible game. One thing that might help is to new players names presented at the lobby-selection screen, with some text-based means of asking them if they'd like to join a lobby. I do a bit of training of new players when I become aware of them, but as there's no means of being aware of them, nor means of communicating with them outside discord, it's not a new-player-friendly environment?

A simple text-based means of being able to see new players who are online, and the means to PM them, would be useful?
Conversely, there could be a "I need training" button for new players to operate which could pm every trainer online at that time. This might cause their name to change colour or similar so they may be readily identified and contacted.

Last edited by Fidd; 11-06-23 at 05:32 PM.
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