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Old 07-29-23, 07:43 PM   #362
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Originally Posted by Oubaas View Post
If the military personnel of the world would snap out of the brainless reverie in which they're lost, and stop fighting each other at the behest of corrupt, brainless, morally bankrupt, evil civilians, we could band together, seize the world at gunpoint, and implement a samurai-style government in every country on Earth, with all nations working together to maintain good order and discipline throughout the world.

We would walk as kings. All who opposed us would fall. Those who were not warriors would be required to genuflect as we passed. Each of us would be answerable only to our respective warlords and the Shogun of our particular nation. Those without honor would be required to commit seppuku. Warriors with no warlord would become ronin.

That would fix things. The crap would stop in short order.

Yes from a State that gave us,Two Hillbilly's... Bill and Hillary Clinton honor requires you to commit seppuku.Or become ronin and go to Ukraine as a warrior and find a new Shogun.His name is Zelinsky and he embraces all ronin.He desperately needs Arkansas ronin to drive those invincible Bradleys.
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