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Old 05-15-23, 08:08 PM   #11024
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Originally Posted by Catfish View Post
All good and well with "vitamine D3", but overdoses may lead to clogged arteries and kidney stones.
Oh man, dont kill my nerves again with this drivel.

The basis of this claim that gets endlessly repeated to fish naive minds like yours: a Canadian patient who was found dead in his bed, with Vitamine D pills on the table and when they exmained the cadaver they found he had a high calcium level. What they initially did not discover (!!) was that he had kidney cancer - which actually killed him and which is also known to drive up calcium.

Since this happened I think in the early 80s or late 70s in Canada, the industry uses this story again and again to pump it into the media and have them spreading the warning on Vitamine D, and have law makers influencing the curricula to wiothhold the facts form students, and nutrition boards are fed with this lie like they are being fed with so many other lies as well. This story is the patient zero for this vitamine d myth so to speak, to scare people and to spread the lies that it is dangerous... and that only the doctors... and that you better do not... and in principle it is satanic stuff anyway and the less you care for it the better for your health. BULLSH!T !! The media is in full swing to hammer these fake informations home and to make people behave in ways that they do not boost their health and do not stay healthy and thus sooner or later become customers who buy the products the pharma industry kindly produces for them. You think that is paranoia? Opioid crisis in the US, anyone? Illustrates that a system serving the good of people? And that is just the latest of such scandals and mass crimes committed by the industry. So many drugs with massive side effects get systematically distributed for profit, despite the negative effects not rarely outclassing the positive effects.

Did you know that here are health conditions where people must take several hundred thousands IUs of Vit-D per day to see even a marginal effect from it! That of course belongs into the hands of doctors and is not for the layman.

Dont let yourself fooled so easily by the "authorities", Kai. They are in bed with big pharma, and they have the media in their pockets. You follow fake "science" here.

In fact, vitamin D even has a nephroprotective effect, i.e. it has a positive, protective effect on the kidney.

And By the way, you can from get kidney stones with vitamin D deficiency.

The say: no salt, it rocket-launches your blood mpressure. Wrong. No fat, fat makes you fat. Wrong. Not more than just traces of iodine, beware! Wrong, but you must add selenium, that is a must. Not so much Vitamine C, alarm alarm!!! Beware vitamine D, it kills your kidneys. ALLES QUATSCH !!

BTW, the video by Campbell shows a study (from 2019) with several thousand patients over several years - and none of them developed kidney stones despite significant doses. Many such studies exist, Vitamine D sees a boost in study acivity that unfolded since the early years of the century.

Watch it again.

If you feel nuts, consult an expert.

Last edited by Skybird; 05-16-23 at 08:32 AM.
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