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Old 05-10-23, 11:02 AM   #4896
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The Meg

A deep sea submersible pilot revisits his past fears in the Mariana Trench, and accidentally unleashes the seventy foot ancestor of the Great White Shark believed to be extinct.

I'm not sure if this film is supposed to be a scary Movie or a comedy Movie, well, which ever it was designed to be it failed on both counts, was it a good movie?, if you liked the "Jaws" Movies you should enjoy this one as well, Its a lot faster paced than "Jaws", but as usual with these creature movies it barely gets any close up action and, when it does its still a huge let down.
A piss ant little human diving into the Pacific Ocean with an harpoon gun to take out the sea monster is a scenario only Hollywood and the original author could come up with, me thinks they should have put 3 or 4 Piranhas in a swimming pool and given the Movie Director a knitting needle to kill them with, I'm sure he would have started to fill his underwear at the thought of that and, most probably he would have come up with something a lot better than that load of bollocks that was offered up.
The actors and actresses played their parts alright but it still wasn't enough to give this film any more of my time ever again.

Movie Rating 5.2\10


Will be out in August, lets hope that they've done a better job than the first one.
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