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Old 05-01-23, 05:49 AM   #1
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Default A annoyance that REALLY needs solving

A couple of times recently I've been on a good boat, with another player acting as host on a different uboat. When, for whatever reason, he logs, everyone else gets suddenly dumped out of the game. The more uboats there are in operation, the more likely this is to occur.

What really needs to happen is for all players to receive a pop-up that the host is about to log, and then for a player to accept being the new host, after which the old host is able to log out. If no-one takes on the hosting, then a count-down should start, after which everyone is dumped out of the game in the usual fashion.

It's profoundly irritating when this occurs, and really needs a work-around or better code so it doesn't occur. Much more importantly than new bells and whistles in the u-boat I would suggest..
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