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Old 04-25-23, 06:50 PM   #74
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It depends on the quality class. From 1.80 (factory farming) to 6.00 Euros (pasture raised) per 10 eggs. I try to buy organic when I can and keep the price below 4 Euros. In town these organic eggs ("Bio-Eier" in German) cost more than in supermarkets in smaller villages around. The cost difference can be up to 40% or so. I absolutely avoid eggs from caged chicken/factory farming.

Egg prices have gone steeply up in past 12 months.

People understimate the quality difference that comes from the food the hens eat. Not only is the egg hull thicker with healthier hens, but you get a positve change in several nutrient contents, Omega 3 for example. Animals are best fed with natural stuff they would find and eat all by themselves if they would live alone in the wild. Like salmon should not be fed with soy and wheat, hens should not be fed with soy either. I avoid factory farming when i can, means: as long as it is financially affordable. My price tolerance however has limits. I counerbalance the hgihers costs also by the fact that I do not spend money on many things that in many households are quite common to be eaten and to be had. Softdrinks for example.
If you feel nuts, consult an expert.
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