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Old 04-14-23, 11:18 AM   #295
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Originally Posted by Rockstar View Post
Isn’t this the weekend Germany shuts down its last Nuclear Power Plant? I don’t understand how a decision was made to exit nuclear before coal. Especially after reading party concerns in the previous post stating no co2 emissions after 2035 from fleet autos.
You are not the only one not understanding that, even a majority of Germans do not want to switch the last three reactors off right now.

The answer is: in the past it was Merkel's opportunism, today its the Greens. The Greens were founded 1980 on grounds of the Anti-Atom movement. Being against nuclear energy is at the heart and core of green activists, ideolgosts, most voters. And the greens are, despite opposite claims, no big "Volkspartei", they have no wider, diverse voter base that can be appeased in several various ways and with different topics, like the big CDU or SPD could do in the past, the clients of the Greens are kind of extremist and cannot be appeased and made voting Green by tricks and workarounds, they only accept the hardcore goal that is the heart and core of the Greens: anti-atom, that is, no matter the cost, at any cost, no matter what. It is the extreme of possible patronage politics that drives the Greens.

Or in short: its ideological fanatism.

Also, they are driven by a deep conviction of being on a mission to enlighten all manklind. Its a missonary spirit second to none in Europe, that is extremely intolerant to diverting views and opinions, is very authoritarian and think that self responsibility and liberalism are utmost dubious and suspicious and must be controlled by total state planning and planned way of lives and planned economy. The greens are hardcore collectivists and absolutely mistrust individual strength. The sociological orientation is Marxist-Maoist. From the founding days on they also were home to sexual "rebels" that lobbied for legalising pedophilia and sexual contacts of adults with small children, some of those now old bastards still have a certain incluence in the party, from the shadows of backstage.

The Greens and Merkel'S merciless opportunism are the two biggest desasters that have hit Germany since WW2. The other desasters fade to grey in comparison.

I dispise the Greens to maximum degrees. I always did, already as a teen at school. The whole scene that over here is called "Altenative", disgusts me, and always has. I dont believe them a single word.
If you feel nuts, consult an expert.
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