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Old 04-02-23, 10:00 AM   #183
Ace of the Deep
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Originally Posted by Rockstar View Post
My argument was to open the criminal history of a before a purchase no matter what stage in life a crime was committed. Or raise the age to 21 so there was a record to check. According to you they finally did open minor age records to back ground checks. That’s good.

The other was Red Flag use of prescription drugs they hand out like candy which has been known for decades to have side effects of increased violent, suicidal, aggressive behavior. Any bets that most shooters were on the stuff when they tripped off line? Any bets the shooter in Nashville who was under care for mental health was taking anti-depressants? If they’re on the stuff they shouldn’t have a gun and dealers shouldn’t sell them one.

What ever the case they need to leave me and my fire arms out of the argument.
Let's address that then, 37 million U.S. citizens take some form of prescription anti-depressant, 61 million citizens self medicate using drugs and/or alcohol. Admittedly, there is probably some overlap between the 2 groups. Be that as it may, you are advocating for stripping 1/3 of the population of a Constitutional right without due process on the chance they may break the law. That is anathema to the core tenets that this country was founded on. There is no way I can agree to something like that.
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