Thread: Diabetes 2
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Old 03-16-23, 06:24 PM   #11
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I must hold back myself a bit, markus, because I am not your doctor, you cannot hold me accountable if I give youa dviose that doe sharm to you, and finally I do nto know wether you have any other health issues that contradict what I would additionally like to say.

Some time ago, alm ost three year or so, I had a blood test due to ambulant jaw surgery , the test on heart, blood and lungs was needed for the anesthesia, that I could sustain it. Some of the indices told me that I was at risk of developing a socalled metabolic syndrome, or non-alcoholic fatty liver - either I was at risk or already was at the early stage of it. I weighed 92 kg, at aheight of 177 cm. Way too much. When i was young, i always was thin like an eel.

I started first with changing eating habits. I had no more bread and nougat creme for breakfast but bacon and eggs and plenty of salt, then a mug of coffee with only little milk and very very little sweetness, but a full teapsoon of coconut oil. 1-2 slices of Goudy cheese, oin the eggs. Then 3 walnuts or so, a tablespoon os sunflower seed, linseed (never the oil, alway the seeds, guys!), and a tablespoon of pumpkin seeds. Nexyt for breakfast, an apple of a low-.sweetness but quite soar character, but then switching to Braeburn which I simply like best. NO BREAD. Now that was one of the sacrifices I had to accept, I olove bread I bakle dit myself for most of my life. But truth is man is not made to digest wheat, rye, it ALWAYS causes an inflammation in our guts, in everybody,a nd iot boosts insuline, it makes us fat. Sad, but true. I also started intermittend fasting, I have breakfast above at noon, and a warm meal around 6-8 pm. No snacks, no sweets, no beer or wine.

For the warm meal I had a piece of meat or fish, mostly, and some vegetables - I must admit: not as much vegetables as I should, I am no friend of vegetables and must always force myself to eat them. I do, but I cannot enjoy it, its purely rational, nothing lustful. No potatoes, noodles, rice or anythging: none. Also, again a hiuge dose of fishoil and Omega 3. I consume 4 gr netto of Omega 3 per day, thats 16 gr of that oil I use.

Addiutonal to these two meals, I started to supplement, over the day, in mainly three doses to keep certain minerals apart int ime a bit. A take the fujll braodside, a full volley, but not blidnly, Ideveloped myslef into this by leanrign and readings more and more. I do it for reasons, not for hopes.

I ate very fat, pkenbty of thes eoils and iolive oil, butter, cream. Never aythign that has "Light product" written on it. Nver! I allowe dmyself two pieces of butter chocolade and two butter cookies per day, and I ate them close to the wamr meal so that it woudl be just one insuline spike, not more. I sorted out all plant opils, and replaced them with coconut oil, and gee. IUn the firts year I had to repalce some of my vitamine supplements due to learning how to do certain things better.

I also fastened two days the week, I did not eat after sunday evening, and not avgaion beforte Tuesday evening. I got used to that quite fast, the first weeks it was not so nice, but not due to physical stress, but psychological revolts in my mind.

I did this for six months, and soon started to loose weight. Around a pöij dper week. Makes 2kg per month. After six month, i had lost 13 kg, was at 77kg. I did another blood test, and the values were much better. Then and in later tests especially my fatty acids analysis showed bombastically good values, and my Calcidiol levels (Vit-D) are now exceeding 80 ng/ml). The doc swallowed when seeing it, he did not like my ways anyway, and when I told him that I followed Brownstein's approach to the topic of iodine he almost became angry. I meanhwile have changed my doc.

I kept on reaodng. I owe a very lot to the names of Dr. Fung (insuline and diabetes, obesity, inter,ittend fasting, fasting, Dr. Dinicolantonio (fats and oils, salt), Prof. von Schacky (Omega-3), Dr. Brownstein (iodine), Prof- Hollkick and other son Vitmaine D, Prof- Spitz (Vitmaine D and fats and oil) and various authors on keto food, intermittend fasting and all kinds of supploemntaiton (vitamines, minerals, trace elements).

I have lost amny helath siusues I had for most of my life. I have not been ill sicne three yeras, were before I had at least four times a year a flu at least. I redcued my blood pressure medication. My heart rate normalised. Severla skin isuuses are no more. severla mouth issues are no more.

After the intial 6 mon ths, I did not loose wight anymore, it did not dop further. I oc ninuted what I had done, and kept that weight of 77 for another year, easily. No yoyo.

Then somethiug nappened, I lost complaince. after all, even if all what I did was just a mild form of sacrificing taste and joy, it nevertheless is a sacrifice. Adn I wanted back mro of what I had given up: snack at the mdionight film. Habe bread again. Pasta as main dish. And a bit more chocolade and marcipane. Occasionally a beer again.

Thats why I am now at 85kg again, 18 months later. I kn ow wehnat happened, and why, its all competely my own fault. Still, my intial way to loose wieghtr by eating penty and fat, worked.

Fats do not make you fat. Insuline makes you fat. Eat stuff that raises insuline, and you become fat and increasingly insuline resistent (=diabetes). Control your insuline, and you loose weight and become healthy again. Diabetes is a hormonal dysbalance.

tell yout his, Markus, so that you see that you can infleunce your status, and that I have good reaosns why I preach the thigns that I have explaiend, and often so now. It snot just the content of aorudn two dozen boosk I have red abot these thigns in recewnt trhree years - itsd also the poratcial expoeirnce: my own, and tta I see in ym ftaher, anbd my mother. They follwoed my advices, and thery are mcunb ebtter off, age 79 and 75. Both dropped their meds significantly.

Thats why I give you the tips that I give you! BTW, my last blood test, depsite my too hig wight again, were good, and my new doc also was perplexed a bit , he said it were quite uncommon that a man of my age and BMI has zero indices of inflammations in his body. Usually a man of my status would have at least very few, minor signs, even if these were so low that they had practically no meaning for my health currently. Well, what should I say. Plenty of Omega 3, Vitamine-D, Ubiquinol, Iodine, and their needed supplements, and others.

Its up to you, Markus. You have all options in your hand. If I were you, I would, consider that diagnosis as something temporary only!

I will not comment on this topic any further, but if you have questions, ask, then I will try to answer to my best ability. But do not forget, my scope is very specialised and thus: also limited. I lack the wide general education of a general doctor and can challenge a doctor only within that clearly defined and narrow perspective I learned - not beyond.
If you feel nuts, consult an expert.
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