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Old 02-27-23, 07:32 PM   #10789
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At age 50-60 the skin produces a pre-form of Vit-D with just 25% of its former efficiency when we were young.

The liver sends a preform for the creation of cholesterol to the skin. There its gets BBQued with UV radiation which must have a minimum intensity of UV indices higher than 3. In Germany, the sun has no chance to reach such UV levels at around 7 months per year. Go figure.

Add to it former reduction by clothing, using sun blockers, working all day long in offices or some industrial halls. You can live in a high-sun-level region of Earth - and still not produce enough Vit-D due to your life style.

The skin is ready to produce under optimal conditions a maximum of around 20,000 IE per day. From then on it still does so, but at a dramatically reduced rate. So, here we have a biological limit as wlel as a likely hint to what amounts of Vit-D the body is ready to process, produce or consume per day. Thus I conclude that most likely it makes no sense to take bigger doses than 20,000 IE per day, therefore. (I take 2x 5000 per day).

When the skin has BBQued the pre-form of cholesterol, this turns the molecule into another substance that does not exist long, but by using the body's own warmth further gets altered into the storage form of Vit-D, which is Colecalciferol. It gets accumulated in the fatty tissues of the body, and the more fat cells there are, the longer the saturation process takes and the higher doses of Vit-D intake the person needs. Not before the fat cells of the body are saturated with Colicalceferol it becomes available for the body to be activated (by using Magnesium): turning it into the metabolically active form of Vit-D, which is Calcidiol. This is what the Doc can measure in blood serum. Over the past three years the recommended minimum doses in the thinking of many practitioners has thankfully been increased, you now can often read an abolsute minimum of no longer just 30 but around 50 nanogram per mililitre is reocmmended - as MINIMUM. That means: dont let yourself get stopped there. "Minimum" does not imply "ideal". Even dentists more and more often bring up the topic of Vitamine D (and to my surprise, my new dentist also came up with iodine, which made me grin wide...) He was the first doc I ever met in my life for treatment who did not stare at me in shock and disbelief when I told him that I take almost 20 milligramm - per day, not per week or month.

Slowly, slowly, the valuable informations spread, despite the industry's and politicians' attempt to suppress or to ridicule or to demonise them or those who speak them put.


You are right, Rockstar, industrially processed food is not good. To bring it to the point, everything that has a bar code on it should not be eaten. I admit I fail to completely comply with this tyrannical doctrine, however. We have to balance our sacrifices against our reservoir of mental compliance. If compliance is eaten up, we have a problem. Better to not get that far.

However, eating organic does not guarantee you are fully supplied with nutrients you need, because due to the erosion of agricultural soil, and its depletion with minerals and microbioms due to intensive agricultural mass and mono farming, many vegetables and fruits no longer have the content levels of vitamines and minerals they have had lets say a hundred years ago. I once red an analysis that showed that the average modern appel of today can have 6 times and less content in certain micronutrients than the apples at the time of WW1. Our soils are badly lacking in selenium, amongst others. Deficits in magnesium, vitamines in general, iodine, and others are extremely common and wide spread nowadays. Supplementation really should be understood as almost a necessity nowadays. The Medical School of Harvard has included supplementation in its food pyramid, declaring it a mandatory must-do, not all is now good with that pyramid, but this detail they got very right. Even more so since our bad food habits (inflammatory Omega-6 fatty acids consummed in cruel amounts!) make things worse and further reduces our body's reserves in these nutrients.

The ancient Greek said: "Thy food shall be thy healing remedy". The value in that advise is unfortunately reduced by the declining value of the food we grow. That we further industrially process it makes it even worse.
If you feel nuts, consult an expert.

Last edited by Skybird; 02-27-23 at 07:56 PM.
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