Thread: On Health
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Old 02-25-23, 06:31 AM   #67
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Absolutely stunning data! Phenomenal.

The risk reductions reported in this meta analysis are absolutely awesome.

This is a ver ybig story, at leats it should be, and it should be so sinc eman years becasue I know its not the firts time the foudn such stunning results regarding Vitamine D.

We have a pandemic running in the western world - and everywhere in the world where Western food habits, and especially American food habits with its excessive consummation of sugars, corn syrups, fructose, high-fructose-corn-syrup (HFCS) and so forth dominate people's eating.

And making me giggling again: these studies found no raise in hypercalcemia, no rais ein kidney stones. These are the two oiverkill arugments many doctors still make against prescribing or privately using Vit-D. I called that bollocks three years ago, and it was bollocks already before, and it is still bollocks today. You need to EXCESSIVELY overdose, and over longer times, several months, to have at least the chance to produce these side effects. America, India are terrible palces for diabetes, its expldiouing ther,e and millions do not even know they have it and slide deeper and deeper into it doing all kind of severew damnages to their bodies and organ systems.



Listen what they tell you, but then weigh it, do some research on it yourself, use your brain. Be aware of to what degree big pharama interests and food industry lobbbyism are interfering with policy making and curriculum-forming for university students. On this issue, and many others, governments completely fail us all, and we, the people, pay for it with our health, and shortened life expectancy, and deaths. It gets worse today now that even eco and climate aguments are used to tlel people how to misfeed themselves and run into certain nutritional deficits stemming from a food pratcice that rules out certain things for "the higher cause". Krank werden fürs Klima! could become a German slogan.

Its capital crime at work, plain and simple. Conspiracy to not only protect the profits of the food and pharma corporations, but to even boost them further. At the cost of our health. The little doctor down your street must not even be a guilty one, he just practices what he has been taught when he was a student and had no choice. He is just a human, his day has just 24 hours, and his job maybe did not show up to be like he expected it to become. Also, he is entangled in a network of procedures and rules by the law makers and health insurers that do not leave him too many freedoms.

At risk is your health and life expectancy. Whether you follow the doctor's advice or not - the consequences good or bad will always be lived by you, by nobody else, and certainyl not by the doctor.

Listen, but do not blindly trust into just everything just because he is a doctor. Check. Question. Research yourself.

I have a whole long list of medical topics now already ion whcih I would refuse to just blindly obey the official recommendations and practices and drug advices. Onc you start to do your won research on such things you soon find that it doe snto stop again and that the list of dubious contrsdictiosna nd questionable assumptions becomes longer and longer. First its alarming, then it becomes scary.

There is no reason and no excuse for just blindly trusting.

I learned that at the latest during the Covid pandemic and the way they cheated on it. One of the biggest fraudulent schemes ever in the history of medicine. It took me some time. But in the end I got there.
If you feel nuts, consult an expert.

Last edited by Skybird; 02-25-23 at 06:51 AM.
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