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Old 02-06-23, 10:05 PM   #4
Molon Labe
Silent Hunter
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29 November 1943

We attempted to take the base again but didn't make much headway, forts holding at Level 3 and casualties 247 to 341 favoring the enemy.

At Rangoon we continue to hunt down the enemy units that have been pushed out of the base but remain in the hex. Casualties 4473 to 1040 favoring us.

Japan recaptured Uttaradit with paratroopers.

30 November 1943
Light cruiser and destroyer disabled by mines in southern Luzon route chokepoint.

The destroyer Fubuki and the light cruiser Yura hit mines near the eastern exit of the shipping route passing south of Luzon. The rest of the task force was able to clear out the minefield. Fubuki was transporting troops. Both ships likely sank.

I attempted a P-38 sweep of Surabaya. Didn't go so well; first wave was 15 P-38s against 57 enemy fighters, and then 5 stragglers showed up after the hornet's nest had already been kicked. We ended up losing 5 P-38s while taking out just 4 Tonies and 3 Nicks--simply not good enough considering how few P-38s we have. And our actual losses were probably double that if you account for damaged planes that didn't make it back to base or got scrapped after they got there.

We're still hunting down the enemy around Rangoon. We got 2544 of the 16787 they have left. Friendly casualties 625.

Japan tried to retake the 3rd base we took by paratroopers, Chiang Mai, but this time we had enough of our own paratroops there already to fight off the attack. 64 enemy casualties to 0.

1 December 1943

The enemy attempted a sweep of Manado with Georges from Davao. Just 5 of them... vs 19 Hellcats, 4 Corsairs, and 4 P-40s. We shot down 3 of the Georges with no losses.

We attacked the base again, bringing the forts down to Level 2. Casualties 614 to 364 favoring us. It's getting close, we should have the base within a week. I've got some more reinforcements standing by, but I'm going to have them hold off until the AA guns fall silent again. I'm spotting subs near the port--it looks like he might be using them to run supplies to keep those guns in action. So I'll have a few destroyers there on patrol with some Hellcats overhead.

Getting close to finishing the mop up. Casualties 3003 to 226.
We eliminated the enemy paratroops at Chiang Mai. (Correction: no we didn't, still working on it)

DD Hickox arrives at Balboa
VB-116 arrives at San Diego
No. 681 Sqn RAF arrives at Rangoon
18th FG/12th FS arrives at San Francisco

Last edited by Molon Labe; 02-07-23 at 03:55 PM.
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