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Old 02-01-23, 06:42 AM   #4
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This is an awesome package. Round and polished around the edges, intuitive controls, nice graphics, superb gameplay, superb editor, user-made missions downloadable and de-downloadable from within the game with just one button press, and plenty of cosim typical "simulation" stuff very obviously working under the hood. Many small tutorials for every nation, separating the training of various aspects of infantry and tank-based combat. Even the pdf manual they have done in a slighty different and unique way, and its quite extensive, thogh evry easily accessible.

One needs to be deaf and blind to not realise that this project truly is a work of true love. I'm hyped, so far the game lives up to the high expectations I had.

They also say, write that they plan for the long haul and that addons with content including more nations and battlefields are coming: they mention jungle and desert, which to me translates into: British and Japanese troops coming (so far it is Germans, Americans, Russians). Air support and radio-controlled artillery strikes will come, too.

The visual presentation simply is homogenous, in German we would say: "aus einem Guss". I like it, and it does not come at the cost of missing information . Tables and numbers stuff is internally calculated of course - but the player must not bother with it, can simply let it work for him.

Recommended! If you like tactical wargames, you will LOVE this game, it ties all the lose ends, it poishes all the right buttons and it all fits together very well, and in a well-done manner, it shows that the author of the game played cosims himself for all his life. It reminds me of famous tabletop cosims like Advanced Squad Leader, Close Combat and Silver Star cosims. Just much more accessible. Biggest map size is 50x50 hexes. Units are individual officers and specialist fighters , squads (6-12 soldiers), MG and mortar crews, and individual vehicles. The car park is HUGE, the technical specs of every tanks and vehicle again presented in a very accessible fashion. In the way they did the design of this system, they did an awesome lot of things right and made many very correct decisions.

The game comes with around 48 onboard single missions, 5 campaigns, and already half a hundred user-made missions plus some campaigns are easily downloadable from Steam Workshop, from within the game, I assume it were Beta testers for the most who designed these. The editor is easy to use, very powerful, the intgeraiton of the Steam Workshop into the game makes it easy to access user content (you click one button from the game main menu, you chose, you click another button, and the mission is loaded), so I would expect the community to produce a growing stream of content.

Currently and until Februiary 7th, a price discount is given: 29 instead of 34 Euros.

Text review:

And the text-associated in-depth video review, 1 hour:
If you feel nuts, consult an expert.

Last edited by Skybird; 02-01-23 at 07:57 AM.
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