Thread: On Health
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Old 01-24-23, 09:12 PM   #57
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Originally Posted by Rockstar View Post
One thing about inflation is that it may actually help the American diet. To counter rising prices and help keep them stable companies started shrinking (shrink-flation) the amount of food per serving.
No, it is quite established knowledge that the diet is worse in nutritional value when being poor. You cannot afford better foods then, the crap food is the affordable, cheap food. Also, low income correlates with low education and thus lacking understanding what healthy and what lousy food is. That is the case in every global society where Western food habits have arrived, and you also see it in people who were raised healthily outside the West and then migrated into the West. Especially well-documented is the link between a rise in Western civilizational desease in Japanese who first migrate from Japan (very healthy) to Hawai, and then to the continental US . Certain types of cardiovascular and cancer deaseases they have not or almost not when they were in Japan. After some years in the West, their illness rates have started to rise and reach the same average like the native American population. Further in-depth research has been done on the effects of low versus high carb diet in the West and Asian countries, and in case of Japan the impact of high consumation of "plant oil (West) versus high consummation of fish-and maritime food related fats (Japan) while avoiding plant oil, and then again more research was done related to high iodine intake (Japan) and deficitary iodine intake (America).

Modern Western industrially high-processed food simply is garbage that gets dumped not into the bin where it belongs, but people'S stomach, where it certainly does not belong. People may be well- (in fact over-) supplied with carbohydrates, but are in deficitary supply of nutrients and in oversupply of toxic food components, namely not fat, but sugar/carbohydrates.

And although there is no real consensus what exactly defines so-called mediterranean diet which is considered to be very healthy and is associated with low rates of cardiovascular deseases and diabetes and high age, all the variations of definitions have some things in common, amognst them beign avoiding sugars and too much carbohydrates (pasta, bread), consuming much olive oil and maritime food, fish, only few (sweet) fruits but plenty of vegetables. Also, avoiding industrial plant oils. I see the value of it more in what it avoids than what it suggests to eat.

My biggest points to consider, are these:
- plenty of Omega 3- oil and reducing every practically available source of Omega-6, which exlcudes all plant oils, and I mean avoiding them ALL. You still will consume some Omega.6, and if it is some, then it is oka,y becasue some Omega-6 we essntially need for sure. Just not in relations ot Omega 3 exceeding a ration of 3:1 or so. Most Westsern people have ratios in the range form 15:1 to 35-50:1...!!! That is like rust in your health. It corrodes you.
- controlling carbohydrates - you simply do not really need any, they are not essential. You can live perfectly healthy without any carbohydrates at all. The body just rpefers them for quiock energy-making, but you can as well gain energy from keton-bodies the body makes form good fats. You can healthily live without sugars. But not without fats.
- healthy fats instead: organic butter, organic gee, MCT oils and coconut oi, olive oil extra vergine and of good quality, fishoil, organically raised animal fats.
- not turning vegan and not even vegetarian, but keeping meat consummation modest. Non-red meat preferred, but must not be completely avoided.
- plenty of fish and sea fruit.
- cutting down on everything sweet. I know its hard to avoid chocolate and the likes completely, but at last: cut it down in quantity. I do not avoid it completely, but I have really cut down on it.
- NO SNACKS, at leasts dramatically cut down on sweets.
- Bread not every day, alcohol not every day. If wheat bread, then bread with long dough rising time, else soar dough bread.
- see what it does for you to avoid wheat. Human digestion simply is not amde to digest wheat and related seeds, period. There is no way around this finding. Humans simply are not made to digest ATI, it ALWAYS causes inflammation, in EVERYBODY. A healthy person must not realise it, a weakened person will. Ilove self_baked pizza and bread. But I have reduced it. Bread only every third or forth day. And then either pizza or bread, not both. I also cut down on pasta, which I also love. Hirs eis a new star in my food scheme, and I really like it, its not just duty, but I enjoy it.
- NO SMOKING. Nicotine and added chemical agents NEVER do any good for you. Never.
- Vegetable, fresh.
- Avoid industrially processed convenience food, at least cut down on it in quantity.
- Cut down on cow milk products. I liked pure milk, but for drinking it pure I do not get it anymore, only for purpose-bound use when cooking.
- Avoid milk-replacement drinks.
- Avoid non-fermented soy. The topic is a battleground currently, I know I know - but I have chosen my side against soy. I only do use soy sauce, and would consider fermented soy. And I do no like Miso or Natto, so I do not eat soy at all anymore.
- AVOID "LIGHT" products, and fat reduced products. Its not only nonsense but even counterproductive. And it tastes less. Better watch out for good fat quality in your food. DO NOT AVOID FAT, BUT SORT FATS AND OILS, eat the good ones without bad consience, do away the bad ones. You can loose weight while eatiung good fats, you must not avoid them. You get fat and obese from carbohydrates, not so much from fat. Of course, everything can be exaggerated, even fats, so use your brain a bit - you have it for a purpose.
- NO SOFT DRINKS, no cereals flakes, corn syrups, any stuff of that categories.
- do supplement, learn about it.
- Drink enough water, but ignore calls to exessively drink. Only elderly people and small children have no reliable feeling for thirst and best drink "according to time table".
- Do not exaggerate it with protein. Not avoid it, but not pushing it either.
- Steroids and such things for "sporty people" are NOT considered food supplements! Vitamines and minerals and essential trace elements are.
- Get enough sleep.
- Enjoy life.
- Keep sorrow and anger at bay.
- consider intermittend fasting.

You can ignore:
- salt content, its irrelevant and the low-salt-less-cardiovascular probloems thesis simply is wrong, has been proven wrong, and in fatc is one of the worst cases of data and study forging in the histor yof medicine. That still the opposite is claimed by "heallth authorities" and "experts", is a scandal, if not a cirme. There is NO NEED to cut down salt, that is drivel spread since decades, but the long time does not make it less a drivel. Shake that salt shaker as much as you pleases. DO NOT AVOID salt, you damage yourself that way. Eat as much as you like. If you like it a lot, no problem. Sugar is a problem. Too much omega-6 is a problem. Too much carbohydrates is a problem. SALT IS NOT.
- calls to pedantically avoid ANY alcohol. But do you really need it every day, and drink yourself under the table once a week? Modesty is the virtue here. Enjoy. But dont get drunk.
- warnings of coffeine.
- calls for eating more sweetfruits (contains fructose)

There is so much missionising being done now, so much cult that it all gets turned into, so much zealous pedantery and call for self-optimization. To hell with these people. And much of that is again just a new form of money-making. Or is a simpe new mode/vogue.

Practice modesty with consuming the unhealthy things that nevertheless make fun (sweets). Avoiding those that simply accumlate health hazards over the years (Omega-6 fatty acids). Avoiding fanatism (ideologically founded vegetarianism, veganism). Do more of the good stuff: fish, vegetable, Omega-3, salt, good fats, certain supplements.

And a simple, compass: avoid high insuline spikes and also many insuline spikes. Eat less, and eat less often. Dont eat all day long. Try just one or two main meals instead of three meals plus half a dozen snack times.

Do not eat by habit or becasue "it is the time". If you are not hungry or have no appetite, then simply dont eat.


But also this:

If you do not enjoy your life, what use then is in having a long life...?

Have fun, whatever fun means for you as long as it is not at the cost of others. And that relates to eating, enjoying food and taste and accept your appetite. Rejoice.

Modesty for president!
If you feel nuts, consult an expert.

Last edited by Skybird; 01-25-23 at 07:29 AM.
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