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Old 01-16-23, 08:05 AM   #279
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The greatets raid in human history. The greatest terorrist attack on the freedom of Western liberal social orders. Ultimately these terrorists want to turn the West into a copy of the Chinese dictatorship model.

And quite some of you guys even vote for these criminals...!? Note that they are sitting in practically every party you can vote for, left and right, conservative an progressive.

Already Marx knew it. If you want to destroy the liberal basic order of burgeoise society, destroy its money system.

Remember the comical society depicted in that comedy with Stallone, Demolition Man? The sterile health guru as president who by the best-sounding excuses had established a de facto dictorship? - Stop laughing. This nonsense is about to come true.And we let it happen, not resisting at all.

When I feed my bank account by paying in enough money in cash so that the bills get paid for the next two or three years, I get treated like a criminal. I get questioned, must wage a paper war, must file evidence for my legal possession of that money, and a criminal investigation gets started because the bank is obligated to report me to a federal office checking such payments. The worst and really worrying about this, is this:the burden of proof has been reversed, the principle of "when in doubt, give the accused the benefit of the doubt" no longer applies. I am guilty from the beginning as long as I have not proven my innocence according to arbitrary and constantly changing rules that my enemy - the state - has arbitrarily set and changes at will to force my submission to its claim to power and ownership of my person and labor.

In ancient China there was a very perfidious and torturous method of execution, they had many of them and modern China still lives on this today (I once read a whole book about Chinese execution methods, after that I was just sick to my stomach for days). The deliquent was tied to the floor so that he was incapable of any movement and fidgeting, then a fragrant oil-soaked gauzy silk cloth was placed on his face. After a while, another pleasantly scented oil-soaked silk cloth was placed on top of it, and about a minute later, another oil-soaked gossamer silk cloth was placed on top of it. The intention was to slowly suffocate the victim to death and at the same time save face by presenting the victim's complete inability to move or wriggle as proof that everything was quite civilized and peaceful. Was it not gossamer-thin precious silk that was used? Wasn't it expensive, pleasant-smelling perfumed oil that was used to smother the pores of the fabric? Didn't they do everything to make the victim comfortable and to treat him with dignity?

The incarnation of absolute wickedness.
This is exactly what our politicians and central bankers and social engineers and do-gooders are doing to all of us today. Only that we are not tied to the ground.

We imbeciles remain voluntarily still.

Because we are well-behaved, civilized. Our freedom is robbed from us, with violence and insidiousness. The motive is the lowest imaginable: the enforcement of dictatorship and submission. We keep silent and parry, hoping that things will not get worse all by themselves.

They will get worse. And we deserve it because we are lazy and comfortable and cowardly.

Sometime in the second half of this century, it will be hard to distinguish the dictatorship in Europe and probably America from the dictatorship in China. Rejoice and be glad - that is because we did not want to fight back effectively and allowed it . We console ourselves with the fact that it happened for a good cause.

Shame on all of us.


This is the real reason why cash should be abolished

For years, there has been a fight against cash. Of course, this is always done with the argument that it is used to pursue higher and more honorable goals, such as money laundering, crime and tax evasion. The first companies, such as the technology retailer Gravis, are already no longer accepting cash.

Bit by bit, this salami tactic is being used to make cash useless and at the same time take it away from us - often unnoticed by the general public. Or did you know that our federal government has been investing millions of taxpayers' money in the abolition of cash for years? Yes, I was also gobsmacked when I researched this.

But first things first: in 2019, the 500-euro bill was shelved in order to stop money laundering and tax evasion. The hoped-for success failed to materialize, and to this day no empirical evidence of containment has been demonstrated. Even the Bundesbank had to admit that this action was a set of x's - only 20 percent of the bills in circulation have been returned since then.

In parallel, within only two years, the amount for anonymous table transactions (acquisition of precious metals, gems, etc. without registration) was reduced from 15,000 euros to 2000 euros. In my opinion, it is only a matter of time before this window is closed completely.

The next attack took place during the Corona crisis: In the beginning, cash was considered dangerous for a while because it was defamed as a virus carrier, which of course was absolute humbug. Nevertheless, to this day we see stickers advertising secure contactless payment.

EU-wide cash cap coming

But that's not all: In December, Brussels agreed on an EU-wide cash ceiling of 10,000 euros. If German Interior Minister Nancy Faeser had had her way, a cash ceiling of well under 1,000 euros would have been implemented. Here again, the Deutsche Bundesbank drives a clear contradiction into the path of the EU and the German government:

"So far, there is no scientifically sound evidence that cash caps achieve the goal of combating money laundering." This is also shown by experience in countries where payments with bills and coins are already limited to certain amounts, he said. "I therefore consider a cash payment cap to be misguided," said Johannes Beermann, member of the Deutsche Bundesbank's Executive Board.

At the same time, the German government has taken all citizens into custody under the guise of the Sanctions Enforcement Act (which is intended to make life difficult for Russian oligarchs and, as always, of course, to combat money laundering). Because the new section 16a in the Money Laundering Act (GWG) prohibits paying for real estate, land, houses and apartments in cash, gold or cryptocurrencies.

You see: Cash is under attack on many fronts. And if cash were to be abolished, it would have a number of disadvantages for us citizens.

Digital money = digital dictatorship

Only about two percent of the money supply exists in the form of bills and coins. Or to put it another way: only one in fifty euros. If only five or ten percent of Europeans were to withdraw their money from the bank, the house of cards would collapse and most would be left without money. Cashless payment is becoming increasingly popular in times of credit cards, Apple Pay, Paypal and the like. More than 90 percent of all payments are made by debit and credit card or bank transfer/direct debit. De facto, we already have a digital euro. So why is the ECB pushing so hard to introduce a digital euro in the form of a CBDC (Central Bank Digital Currency) for the Eurosystem?

Short answer: it's about control.

All transfers and transactions, whether private or commercial, are collected by banks and executed once a day in the banking system between institutions. What customers spend their money on is currently only seen by the banks. Passing on the transactions to the ECB or other parties is not possible and prohibited for several reasons. A CBDC would solve this problem permanently. Then every citizen in the EU would have a digital account (wallet) directly with the ECB - and the ECB would thus have a complete overview in real time.

Of course, the central banks will charmingly pull out all the stops to make this brave new world palatable to us: Payments will then be secure, convenient, hygienic, contactless, more efficient, cheaper and faster.

But the price would be high, because every customer and every transaction would then be completely transparent and traceable. A digital currency can provide countless data on the payment flows and user behavior of citizens. One could conveniently link the wallets with, for example, the vaccination certificate as well as other data. And then we have the truly transparent customer.

The threat of Orwellian surveillance

To take this provocatively further: In order to save the climate and educate us to be better people, we could then also install a Co2 credit account. Whoever then uses up his Co2 credit because he travels too much or drives a car, eats meat instead of bugs or highly processed meat substitutes, must pay or even starve. These are the wet dreams of the secret services and the nightmare George Orwell warned us about.

Another risk: In addition to Orwellian surveillance, interest rates could easily be lowered into negative territory without citizens being able to withdraw money from the bank and escape the negative interest rate. A bank run would thus be impossible in the future.

Penalty interest or a wealth levy could be used quickly and efficiently, and collected from every account without anyone being able to fight it. Likewise parking tickets, the broadcasting fee, etc. How convenient! Even an account freeze would be possible at any time by the centralist ECB. Just as it is now with the great role model China.

Digital dictatorship under a cloak

Speaking of China, the icing on the cake could be the installation of a social credit program. A centrally controlled digital money, coupled with the social credit system, is the perfect (and perfidious) solution for keeping one's own citizens in check, controlling them at all times and punishing them if they don't play by the rules. Whoever then steps out of line gets sanctions in the form of withdrawal limits or account blocking in addition to the deduction of social credit points. The digital dictatorship under the mantle of climate neutrality, solidarity and justice is complete.

But consumption could also be controlled. In China, people are thinking about fading money. The credit expires after a certain time in order to stimulate the economy. On the other hand, payments could be limited or even blocked on certain goods. Just the way a centralized institution would like it.

The ECB wants to introduce the digital euro by 2024/25. Globally, all central banks are working flat out on digital currencies because the advantages for them are obvious. The bottom line is that a digital euro is nothing more than the unbacked fiat money system, which is 100 percent digitalized. For us citizens, it only has disadvantages because we can then be easily monitored and expropriated. Negative interest rates can be installed without us being able to protect ourselves from this. Because in such a case, the escape route is blocked, namely withdrawing cash, taking it out of the banking circuit and thus legally removing it from the surveillance and access of the states.

So you can see why preserving cash is so important for anonymity, freedom and democracy.

Cash is freedom

But this freedom has been under fire from all sides for years. Not only are states and central banks attacking cash, but so are organizations like the Better Than Cash Alliance , a global association of governments, businesses and international organizations that want to accelerate the transition of cash to digital payments. Members include - unsurprisingly! - credit card giants Visa and Mastercard, Citibank, but also the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. What I find exciting is the finding of my research, already mentioned at the beginning: the Anti-Cash Alliance has received German taxpayer money from our federal government. From 2016 to 2018 it was 500,000 euros and since 2019 it has been 200,000 euros annually.

The trend is clear: The abolition of cash is taking place quietly and insidiously. At the beginning of the year, Lufthansa announced that it would only accept cashless payments at its service points. Almost at the same time, the technology chain Gravis, with its 40 stores, announced that it would no longer accept cash with immediate effect.

The fact is: Only cash guarantees ownership and title to one's assets. Money on the account does not belong to you, but to the bank. In addition I made several important videos. Cash is and remains printed freedom! It is and remains the only legal tender according to the statutes of the ECB: "Euro banknotes and coins are legal tender in the euro area. Cash is the only form of central bank money that we can all use directly."

Even in the event of a blackout, cash will be the only official means of payment that still works.

Despite my passionate plea for cash, however, I must also mention that our current monetary system is not sustainable. For unbacked paper money (fiat money) will, as it always has throughout history, continue to lose purchasing power and ultimately fail. Especially the dysfunctional currency experiment Euro . This is why an independent, decentralized, borderless, non-manipulable and deflationary system like Bitcoin is so brilliant and important. For me it is and remains the only alternative for a better monetary system.

If you feel nuts, consult an expert.

Last edited by Skybird; 01-16-23 at 03:04 PM.
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