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Old 01-15-23, 12:50 PM   #277
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You know that there is depth beyiodn the surface, so i recommnend you jump into it and go deeper. Its abotu the consequences of a misleading understanding of what inflation ctually is. Governments lie to us all the time abitzu it. Banks lie about. In bflation is NOT rising prices as a cause for the probeoms following in its wake, but ionflation is a wanted rise of currency supplky decided ion yb govenrments - the price later rise as a conseqeunces of that onyl, they are not the cause, they are a follow on symptom.

Thats why I indicated so often that we all sit much deeper in the poop than most people realise. And there is no easy way out. All those bailout packages and government aid packages only delay the meltdown - and the cost of having that meltdown later becoming even more catastrophic and hurtful. Or our society being "freed" of even more liberties and freedoms when the government decides the meltdown is accptable to be countered by ever growing planned economy and thus totalitarian state control of ecnomy, and in the end: civil society. That way, the country and eocnoym turn into pressur ecookers inside which the pressure nevertheless soone ror later get too high, and then it goes all off. That when states explode and economies collapse, and the real nasty and physically violent things begin to happen: wars.

We are stuck much, much deeper in the poop than anbody wants to realise.

I see no way out, in the long run. None. Only a finite number of further attempts to delay - but no escapes.

The whole governmental propaganda and media apparatus day in day out focusses on hammering home a totally wrong understanding of what inflation is. This is so that people do not realise to what monstrous degrees governments and parties have become guilty or are derailing the fundaments of society and economy for their bids to power and parties' own self-interests.

"Die politischen Parteien haben sich den Staat zur Beute gemacht." - Richard von Weizsäcker. I wonder if he even was fully aware of how far reachingly true his statement in reality is. Its truth reaches far beyond the context of that speech that he spoke this sentence in.

Its a self-created maelstrom, and it crushes us, drowns us. Nobody is to be blamed than ourselves.

I would, if I wouldn't already have done so, go from paper stuff into real material values. Preferrably those the state cannot easily plunder. The state can always plunder everything but we should not make it too easy and invitngly. Hide, and keep a low profile. Either your reserves will be sufficient to hold out, or they aren't. You find out soon enough. "Investing" currently is just a lottery, and more fraudsters and foul-tongued liars are on the street than usually. Watch out. Beware. Be on your guard. Gambling, and investing, are not the same.
If you feel nuts, consult an expert.

Last edited by Skybird; 01-15-23 at 01:08 PM.
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