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Old 10-20-22, 04:15 PM   #3762
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I got to fire the new Dental Office this morning.

It wasn't really going well. I showed up at first to check them out as replacement for my old, retired Dentist and get a troublesome wisdom tooth yanked that was starting to act up. The first appt. was an "eval" and the Dr. told me he'd get to the wisdom tooth eventually (I've been hearing this for almost 20 years).

"Doc, I think its infected. Can't you pull it today?"

"We'll know when its time. Not today."

The tooth really went bad that night and I showed up before the office opened the next morning for some emergency service. I told them I was in a lot of pain and it wasn't subsiding. They let me sit in the waiting room while everyone in the office went to a meeting. Two hours later the same Dr. says "Yeah, its infected all right.." and finally hits me with some Novocain. I get the tooth pulled and go home. I ask about an Rx for some kind of Penicillin and they look at me like I'm asking for Crack.

I did the follow up a couple of days ago. Two hours of X Rays and one hour for a cleaning. Bear in mind I had a tooth extracted one week earlier. No one wants to check how things are healing- until I ask.

Dr. Oz finally shows up for a quick look. He wants to pull some more teeth. I have two molars with crowns. They were done 12 years ago and about four years ago. I have no issues with them at all but they need to come out because.... reasons. He also wants to yank a cap/crown on an incisor that I paid top dollar for two years ago. Again, reasons. I tell him I have no problems with any of those teeth.

"Oh, you will.."
Right, and the Sun will turn into a Red Giant and consume the Earth. But not right now. I find out this plan will cost me somewhere between four to six thousand dollars by the end of the year.

For teeth that aren't giving me any problems.

Maybe he's peed off because he didn't find any cavities?

Keep in mind I've already paid out somewhere between 5 and 6 hundred dollars for three visits, a yanked wisdom tooth, X rays and a cleaning.

Its as if I was speaking in a foreign language the whole time, at least my bank account is good. Besides, my Momma didn't raise any fools.

But, how would I bail out of this boutique without any threats or litigation? Even though I've paid for the work they did, handsomely, I don't want to find out about any termination fees or "Because we said so!" fees.

I called this morning and explained that I wanted to cancel my up-coming appts. and have my name removed from their patient lists. Basically, they have been fired but I'm being really pleasant and courteous about it. Naturally, I get a "Why??". This is where you need to think ahead. You're telling someone why you won't be bankrolling their new Condo or Power Boat.

"Well, I worked my budget for a while last night and I won't be able to afford it". BAM! What they hear is not that I'm cheap, I'm BROKE and there's no way you make money off the poor.

They lady on the phone sets a speed record wrapping it up. "Well,-that's-sad-and-I-hope-everything-works-out-gotta-go!".


Have I mentioned that I loath shopping for a Dentist?
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